
After Hussein Obama/Boe Jiden lose this fall, what key reasons will historians identify as the root cause?

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1. Sarah Palin's influence

2. John McCain's military strength

3. Too many questions about Obama

4. Joe Biden's dirty laundry (seen as ole Washington insider)

5. Jeremiah Wright's Black Liberation Theology linked to Obama

6. Obama's crazy tax and spend ideas

7. Obama's lack of patriotism, was shamed into wearing the flag

8. McCain/Palin's overall appeal versus Obama/Biden

9. Michelle Obama's hate theisis from her senior year at Princeton

10. Obama's "...its over my pay grade" answer & defense of partial birth abortion

11. FEAR of Obama's radical world view

12. People's overall un-easiness with Obama's radical approach to things

13. Other....




  1. Speaking of "roots' that will do him in, they are questionable roots still.

    God Bless America

    God Bless John McCain & Sarah Palin

  2. None of the above, Obama will win

  3. they will use racism for sure.

  4. 13.  Other...more ignorant, short-sighted, conservative slander by voters(being presumptuous here) like yourself?

  5. This would be in the BizarroWorld election, right?

  6. 13. Other - The Democratic National Committee inability to end/unite  the Democrats before/during/after the primaries and failure to reign in the Clinton's and their flipping voters.

  7.   14. Hidden racism.

  8. You're ranting again.

    What are you, a warlock?  You don't know who will win and neither do I.

    But I do know the Republicans will steal as they have before.  They are NOT PATRIOTS.

  9. 13.  Diebolt voting machines

  10. 13...

    We'll remember the g*y nicknames, that retardes like you made up..  

  11. It's not going to happen! You are lost in space! Look at the polls.  

  12. Racism will play a part, I'm sure.

    Obama 08

  13. I don't think that's a likely outcome ...

    1. A less than 1 term governor has NO influence in Washington, let alone nationally...

    2. Possibly, but the economy is now the #1 issue and McCain lost the chance to win that one when he didn't pick Romney.

    3. Good thing their are more about Palin now! nice distraction. Thanks McCain!

    4. Joe Biden has a history of going against the grain in Washington. He is well know and well liked on both sides of the isle. Perfect to preside over the senate and push the presidents agenda nationally.

    5. No one who would vote for him cares about that anymore.

    6. Obamas Idea are tax and not spend. I think you need clarification on this. It's woefully better than McCain's 'borrow and spend' policy.

    7. What a joke. No US Senator lacks patriotism.

    8. Obama/Biden have a +6 margin in likeablity nationally.

    9. Very few know of this and even less actually care, because it means nothing about the man running for pres.

    10. Anyone who has a problem with abortion isn't voting for him anyway!

    11. Obama has a realistic world view. Unlike McCains 'diplomacy trough brutal force' and 'spread our troops dangerously thin' approach... This is why all countries hate the US now... they didn't 8 years ago.

    12. Obama has a practical approach... I would call Bushes approach radical. I see no reason to believe McCain will be any different.

    13. You lose.

  14. all of that, and well...obama has 0 experience.  i have been in high school longer than he has been in the senate.

  15. If this happens...

    because of some rednecks who don't want to learn from the past.

  16. Well, why do you  think he is going to lose to John McCain? John McCain is bush all over again. We don't need another 4 years of bush.

    That's my opinion. The fact of the matter is the person ahead in the polls is the most likely to win, and who is ahead in the polls?

  17. Not choose Hillary for his VP.

  18. 14. All the above

  19. I'll go with option 13: Brain-dead fools who believe everything their precious Republican leaders tell them to. Although if Obama wins, it'll be the same answer, except replace the words "republican leaders" with "democrat leaders".

  20. Certainly none of these.

    OBAMA for President are you registered?

  21. I would say the excuse will be, "and by the way--he is Black"--racism.  ***  

  22. How can anyone answer for a whole population?

    People will not vote Democrat because they are fundamentally afraid of seeing a coloured man in the position of supreme authority. It would offend all their misconceptions and prejudices, if he proved a worthy president. Looking back at some of those you have had in the past, there have been some real moral beauties. Bush and Tricky Dicky are two prime specimens.

      What do American Republicans do when they see coloured athletes winning gold medals? Do they demand that they return them since they are not TRUE Americans?


  23. 13. Other .... Hurricane Gustav gave the reps an "excuse" to "postpone the RNC and move it closer to the election", which is obviously "cheating."


    On the other hand, you left out "all of the above."

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