
After I go surfing I just can't sleep, anyone know why?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Hawaii and have been surfing for much of my life. I've been doing it more recently and am aware of how muscle soreness and strain can keep you up. However, there is a mental alertness, that I just can't shake. Every night after I surf I just can't sleep. I've taken Tylenol, had my wife massage my shoulders, tried different foods, herbal tea, nothing seems to work. I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and if you found a solution?




  1. adrenaline, or blood pressure is up

  2. It might just be the adrenaline from doing an extreme sport.     Try stopping earlier or getting more sleep.

  3. Because the water goes in your ears and washes your brains:)just kidding........

    I guess you just can't wait to surf again,it's like you're excited in a way.Think of something else thats all I can say....good luck

  4. Bro, you need a Doc. I have been surfing for 42 years, and believe me, I have done lots of other 'high adrenalin' activities (both by choice, and some not so much by choice). I have been up all night, cold, wet, angry, in pain, scared s&%tless and all wired up over the activities of that day and mentally distressed.  But a pure athletic endeavor, whether surfing, or distance running (yes I did that once upon a time, about the 30 pounds ago) never kept me up all night. I know Docs. are expensive, and if you don't have health insurance, it's a drag, but you may have some serious problem, that could end up keeping you out of the water for life. Don't trust your health to the c%*p you'll get from all of us on line. Good luck.

  5. Probably residual adrenaline.  I have found that meditation has helped me.

  6. My suggestion would be to not surf after say 5pm. It will give your body time to calm down and relax. Surfing is an andreline based sport and it stimulates the brain to high excess. If you surf in the evening you will not give your mind time to come down from that natural high that surfing offers you.

    Try stopping about 5pm and having a calm evening. Read, watch TV, just something that helps you to lessen the adrenaline in your body enough for you to get a good nights sleep. Have a bath using lavender oil (not too girly as a scent)The massage is an excellent calmer, as is the herbal tea....try camomile if you haven't already...Have the massage about 8pm to 9pm and then just read in bed for a while. It should help.

    I know what its like. I don't surf but I do have an active brain. It doesn't stop me sleeping most time, but sometimes just doing nothing helps me to calm down enough to sleep.

    Good luck

  7. well i know it is all the adrenaline. but I don't know what to do about it. sorry.

  8. cause ur not tired dude. run in circles or do some super rad tiring thing!

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