
After Iraq and soon Iran whose next?

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Question for americans, after Iraq and soon to be Iran what is the next country that you are going to make up lies about and invade against UN protocols so you can get hold of their oil?

As an Englishmen I say you should do in Scotland




  1. Syria. Oft said to support terrorism. Has oil. Odd thing though this is where torture chambers of terrorists in The War On Terror have been said to be. If The U.S. attacks then it will attack The Torture Chambers and it's own personnel. Also cooperative Syrian Officials as such could not occur without Syrian approval. Then trials of U.S .personal accused of being brutal Syrian torture types will occur . Also it U.S. troops have already been fighting a war then U.S. troops could invade Syria after a preceding invasion and torture other U.S. personnel to seek information on terrorist  attacks by AL-QAEDA .  What I say about Scot Land is put Blue Berets an helmets of the heads of Scottish troops and have them resist it as a UN Scottish Operation. Trouble is Scottish soldiers are United Kingdom or British soldiers in a way so it would mean an attack on a part of an ally of The U.S.. Stranger things have happened. Need arises it could be said Scottish Nationalists are engaged in ethnic cleansing or genocide against English people i n Scotland  or going to commit genocide against England.

  2. Some of the people on this site need to wake up to reality.  Your assessment is essentially correct, only it wasn't the vast majority of Americans who lied to get us into Iraq.  It was a reprobate president and his administration who did so.  Don't let some of the answers here fool you.  There are many millions of Americans who feel the same way.  That's particularly true after the release of tell all books by people like Paul O'Neill, and Scott McClellan, and the investigative work of PBS and others.  It's not for nothing that George Bush has an approval rating at rock bottom levels here in the United States.  Even members of his own religious sect consider Bush a minion of the Devil, and have attempted to block the construction of his library and propaganda institute on their campus at SMU, here in the Dallas area, where I live.  For more information on this, do a search on "Bush Library and Think Tank".  Here's one site that such a search turned up:

    As for an attack on Iran, I don't think that will happen.  Such an attack would not be sustainable without a draft, and the American people won't stand for resuscitating that for another war of choice.  Regarding Scotland, I believe the land of your monarch's forebears is safe for now.  I certainly hope so, because it is also the land of some of my own forebears.  Several of my great grandfathers' ancestors hail from the land of Mary, Queen of Scots.

  3. Dear Lord Britain,

    As a peace-seekiing American, I appreciate your question.  The US has to learn that being the 'bully' of the world isn't the right thing to do.

    I still don't understand how so many Americans continue to ignore the fact the the UN for the most part was against the invasion of Iraq (for WMD that didn't exist).  So maybe, just maybe, the UN and Europeans knew what they were talking about--and Americans didn't.

  4. as an american i say, you should study the event and not the liberal media pap so you can interpret the event correctly and as it happened.  since the interpretation is not correct there is no answer to your question.

  5. Hmmmmmmmm.......correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you British helping us in Iraq?  Why don't you worry about your own country like you keep telling Americans to do.

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