
After Iraq?????

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who you think we going to invade in order to promote

our model of freedom & democracy??




  1. Iran, Syria, North Korea, Anyone else we suspect of doing things we do not want them too

  2. Well Saudi Arabia is not a democracy, and they cut the heads of their citizens with a sword if they let their wives dive the car.

    But we'd have to tear Bush's lips of the Saudi prince's *** first.

  3. I don't think anyone is going to be attacked by America, I think the media storm that surrounds this war and the biased negative press that has come along with it makes any future war political suicide and almost certainly will be without support of the American people who only get their information from CNN and FOX news. Because of this I think that Europe and the Middle east will learn a valuable lesson. That the time to act decisively is before your enemy holds the key to nuclear weapons. Not standing up against tyrants emboldens them. When Iran has nukes and they start a war with Israel and nuke them and possibly parts of Europe than the picture will become clear that they should have done something sooner. Then they will be begging the US to come bail them out all over again. It must be something in the water over there. WWII was not enough to learn that you must disarm and stand up to madmen before they become too powerful.

  4. Well after ''' I-raq ''' everyone that does play pool often just talk and make sure that there Q's ( that is the top of the pool stick ) are well softened by those chalk cubes ?

  5. Crawford, Texas?    ooops.

  6. Definitely Iran. It's obvious that  things have been building towards that since the initial war in Iraq was "won".

    The regime under Ahmedinejad is by any account quite oppressive but the the Government have done all they can to point out how heinous and barbaric they are and there has been a sustained attempt to convince us of their potential nuclear capabilities. Odd that at a time when finding alternatives to fossil fuel has never been more important we are vilifying them for trying to develop nuclear power. We say that they must be preparing to make nuclear weapons but we've been down that road before with w.m.d.s and I believe still none have been found. And what if they do get the bomb. We have many many more than they ever could so even an attempt by them to use nukes and we can blast them off the face of the earth. Literally.

    So to keep our hungry war machine fed and those defense contracts rolling in, definitely Iran next. After all we're in the area.

  7. well since Hillary threathened Iran and Israel lobby continues to have a strong hold at Capitol Hill.. it seems like Iran will be next.
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