
After Obama's European tour, I'm beginning to believe he's more in Bush's loop than McCain is. Your thoughts?

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After Obama's European tour, I'm beginning to believe he's more in Bush's loop than McCain is. Your thoughts?




  1. that is a insult to the bush clan.

  2. Not really.

    Obama is unelectable as a Chicago "South -Sider". He MUST look mainstream and distance himself from Jessy Jackson and Rev. Wright if he wants to win.

    His political history is very limited and consists of twenty years of separatist religious racism and Alinskyism. (Look up Alinskyism using your Yahoo search engine.)

    If he can't, with the help of the obviously biased media, convince middle America he is something he ISN'T, he stands NO chance of winning in November.

  3. WHAT?!!!!  Where the heck do you get that idea?

    He is the very opposite of George W Bush who is by far the worst president America has ever had!!!

  4. Interesting comment.  Obama changed his position on almost everything but don't expect the news people to report on that.  He is now a full "supporter" of Israel (that means AIPAC gave him millions for his campaign).  He is threatening Iran.  He now supports our efforts in Iraq.  He has sided with France.

    Sounds a lot like McCain to me.

  5. Obama sucks.

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