
After Obama's make windmills not War plan kills off all the migratory birds will Insects eat the Americans ???

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Or will Big Chem save us with Petro Chemical pesticides.




  1. There are so many grammatical errors in that question I do not even know where to start.

    Your English teacher should be shot.

  2. Birds my God no not the birds thats worse than saving the trees but I think selective sight and sounds will be the new order of democracy that way you see only what your suppose to see or its ant-patriotic it could swing just like that ... chow mi amigo  F.P

  3. The conundrum of the Democratic Party big umbrella.  Since they take in any special interest group with a pulse they have to deal with inner party nonsense.  Windmills make alternate energy folks happy but tick off the bird lovers, tidal power makes the turtle people unhappy and list goes on and on.

  4. Don't worry.  McCain's make war not invest in alternative energy will take care of both birds and insects, and humans, too, while you're at it!

  5. Do some reasearch, although wind-turbines do kill some birds, most of them see the wind-TURBINES coming... do you're reasearch before you bad-mouth an acceptable form of FREE energy.

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