
After Palin, are Republicans running out of gimmicks needed to catch Obama?

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Who now for the first time has 50% to 42% lead in the polls...




  1.   Whatever Poll your quoting is way off. Even Yahoo news had an article about how Obamas BIG DNC acceptance speech only gained him a 5% BUMP, whereas the past n3 elections has seen between 10-12%.  To add insult to injury, Obamas ALREADY dropped 2% of that little bump.

       Gimmicks ?   Not necessary.  Obama and Biden provide more than enough daily fuel to hammer on.  

  2. you mean caught as in past tense. McCain has already caught obama and took the lead. now they just need to maintain the lead and Obama will fade into obscurity

  3. Ooo, polls!

    The only numbers that matter are the ones on November 5th.

  4. hahaha, we'll see on election day, polls can be very inaccurate and sarah palin was the best choice mccain could have made

  5. i think the media makes it seem more close than it really is, McCain i believe is doing a lot better than made out to be and now that is becoming more and more evident

  6. You could be right, Obama got rid of Hillary Clinton and dumped on her supporters, so Sarah Palin should also be easy to discredit and he will continue to establish all men at the head of the U.S. government! Like Barack says, women need to take the backseat until this nation has elected him, first, then maybe, just maybe a woman should be allowed in the Oval Office for something more than Bill Clinton had one in there doing! Giess women cannot catch a break in this election!

  7. I guess so since it's Democrats that are getting desperate in finding new dirt to dig up on Republicans. It's getting old.  

  8. N O ! ! ! ... Just in your drug induced dreams !!!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  9. Gimmicks?  Are you kidding me?  Obama was already bought and paid for by the special interest groups that he is going to allow to take our hard earning tax dollars and squander it on his Socialist programs.  People need to help themselves and stop relying on others.  The polls mean nothing at this point anyway.

  10. yes.

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