
After Palin's speech last night, would you say Obama is burnt toast or just singed?

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After Palin's speech last night, would you say Obama is burnt toast or just singed?




  1. BURNT like Boberry Biscuit

  2. NO  i say Obama have seen and heard the same old smear and republican rethoric for 19 months and he want lose this election on one speech from a mooses hunting mayor from alaska lol .

    I was looking for something of substance in Plain speech last night but all we got was the same old talking point and rhetoric we see here on YA every day .Palin was lien about her record she use a lot of sarcasm and smearing of Obama for the duration of her speech that might get the conservatives excited but it didn't sway any independent or Hillary Clinton voter's .

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  3. The post speech interviews discussing 'community activists' were hilarious.  They looked dumbfounded after Palin scorched them for being rabblerousers without responsibility.

  4. little Sara put a penny on the track.. now the obama train is off the rails sinking and just slinging mud...i think burnt to a crisp

  5. She asked responsible questions, made salient points and and exposed Obama for what he is; an empty suit; all flash and no burn; a champion of his own money, fame and power, just like all of the other clueless liberals in Congress.  

  6. I would have to say singed for now. My prediction is burnt toast after The O’Reilly Factor tonight.

  7. Singed, but still alive and well.

  8. I say her speech was boring and monotonic.

    A pitbull with lipstick?

    She was more like a cardboard cutout figure.

    You guys deserve her.

  9. I think palins speech is showing that the republicans have just allied themselves with greater evil than chthulu.  

  10. Obama and Biden are in for a very rough time.  They will have to dodge the debates to avoid a slaughter, but I'm not sure either of them are smart enough to even realize that right now.  Biden thinks he has the edge because of experience, and Obama thinks he has the edge because of youth.  They haven't even bothered to recognize what their opponents have going for them, and are going to get sucker-punched.

  11. Neither.

    I thought Guiliani was more biting frankly.

    Palin just appeared to be reading. Like when she was a local news reporter.

  12. Neither

    He is consulting with his advisers and supporters on his next move

    November is a long way off.


  13. Obama and his supporters were hurting their selves pretty badly, but Palin helped.

  14. Biden is the one who has to face her. I hear he is out shopping for a catcher's cup today.

  15. what? just because she appealed to the hard core republicans?

    this will wake up the sleeping moderates who don't want to deal with the religious right anymore... it will make the dems stronger...

    John McCain could have, with no effort, made people forget what they hated about the George Bush, Cheney, Falwell years..

    Palin's speech will bring back all the memories and make them vote for ANYONE but a republican.

  16. He is going to have to bring his A game during the last two 2 months.  

  17. He is singed.

    I believe she Unified the Republicans.

  18. What speech ? The flow of dirt and lies is not away serious VP candidate starts his job. Palin make herself look even more idiotic then clown in a white house.

  19. keep dreaming...

  20. I would have to say that Palin must be cooking herself, cause of last night.  We all know she is doing the same thing most of the people who spoke last night are doing...

    "Bashing Obama" as the leading substitute to side step issue talk...

    Bottom line is this:  Palin is worst than we thought, McCain hurried this pick he can be buried with this pick...

    Obama/Biden 08

  21. I was impress She had every laughing at him and his supporters Was not that smug nervous It was down right funny

    Just read the posts ''those people'' are nervous and should be

    The McCain camp put out this mine field and no matter what way they go they well get it blown off

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