
After Sarah Palin's statement about the VP position, what would a person have to be to vote for Sarah Palin?

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Sarah Palin stated, "As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day."

If 72 year old McCain died possibly next year? Would you feel comfortable with a Commander in Chief that doesn't know what their job entails?




  1. Do you know what a VP does?

    A VP, by the Constitution sits as a tie breaker in the Senate. Other than that he/she waits till the prez dies or not.

    Unless of course the president likes her & includes her in policy decisions, which I beleive will happen.

  2. The VP has 3 duties outlined in the constitution.

    1  Cast a vote in the event of a Senate deadlock

    2  Preside over and certify the official vote count of the U.S. Electoral College

    3  Wait for the POTUS to croak

    That doesn't sound like an "every day" kind of job to me.  

    A VP's other duties change from administration to administration.  But they usually include making public appearances in place of the POTUS.

    Palin is very active in the Government of Alaska.  Her statement was in jest, but she seriously needed someone to call her and come up with duties that she would be responsible for that would take up her down time and that she would be happy with.   She is not comfortable with sitting on her hands when there are things that she can for her country and her home state.

  3. Why did you conveniently leave out the rest of her statement which clarifies the point of her question? She's used to being a productive person and she was asking for someone to break the VP job down in tasks/responsibilities. Wouldn't you do the same before accepting a new job?

  4. For no experience toters...she takes the cake.

    She the big pro-life person to answer McCain's pro-choice status.

    and she looks like a wife out of a pologomist camp!

    Yeah...she's a great choice, McCain is 72 and has had health concerns...she could be Commander in Chief.....

    Here's the thing......after the mess of the last 8 can anyone vote for any republican?

  5. I'm a Democrat, but I think there are plenty of great conservative women that should have been chosen instead. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, for example, has way more experience.

  6. First off, you do not vote for the vice president. Her position is an appointment by the presidential candidate.

    In the past, many vice presidents had meaningful positions and projects they conducted in their terms.

    And no, I don't want her anywhere near the White House. Even to take a tour of the building. She's not worthy.

  7. A vote for Palin is a vote for an all out nuke!

    broccoli,  Palin is the queen of the airheads!

  8.   Your issue is irrelevent since Palin has your Commander in Chief experience, totally the opposite of Obama and even Biden. She has been Commander of the Alaska National Guard, which has been called out a number of  times on her watch.  I even feel very comfortable with her as POTUS since there again, she possesses more CEO experience than Obama and Biden combined. She knows from her life experience how to Adminstrate, Manage and Supervise numerous Departments, budgets and has accepted fiscal responsibility.  Neither of the Dems can claim that.

  9. You would have to be an unthinking moron to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

    Only Obama will take the actions necessary to get us out of the economic crisis we are in. Remember Clinton had to fix the mess the first Bush left.

    As far as the economy is concerned, "NOTHING GROWS UNDER THE BUSHES".

  10. Sorry Love, but you are not taking her statement in context. She was replying to a reporter who wanted to know if she was interested in running, and at the time she never felt herself to be a contender so she answered in a humorous fashion (after all, who knows WHAT the VP does? Libs have been screaming that Cheney has been secretly running the country for years.... )

    Also, we are voting for McCain, Not Palin, but with this in mind...

    What would a person have to be?

    1-Someone who wants traditional values in the whitehouse (possibly MORE traditional then McCain)

    2-Someone who is NOT afraid to have a qualified WOMAN in the whitehouse

    3-Someone who is not ready to sell this country to the european socialists.

    4-Someone who is not afraid to have a GOOD LOOKING woman in the whitehouse (no slight on Laura Bush, but d**n!)

  11. Better a VP on the learning curve than a president.

  12. A person would have to be a lot smarter than those voting for Obama to vote for Palin.


  13. A person would have to be a die-hard traditionalist conservative Republican who hears the words "pro-life" and "NRA" and immediately runs to the voting booth convinced that they're making the right decision. Oh wait, that's most of them.  

  14. There are many  question that need to be answer about the Mayor from Alaska Palin .We know Gov. Sarah Palin has some baggage that makes her a pretty risky choice for McCain: she's embroiled in an abuse of power investigation, was for the infamous "bridge to nowhere" before she lied about being against it, is pretty cozy with corrupt Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, doesn't exactly know what the vice president's job actually is, etc., etc.Palin is not ready to be president .

    OBAMA BIDEN 2008

  15. Because technically all the vp does is votes if there is a tie in the senate. Any other duties are based on what the president gives them, but technically they do nothing.

  16. i say shes in this vp thing only waiting for her chance to either kill mccain or wait till he dies she may be like a dumb blond (no offense to some people) but behind the looks is a master mind she may act stupid now but watch shell do it shell kill him lol jk

    i dont care if she is a woman or a democrat ill go for obama any day

    plus shes sounds plastic to me all that talk about hilary being a good person and blah blah blah

    she has no right to be VP    

  17. A person would have to be an airhead to vote for that idiot.

  18. compared to obama, id be happy with a trained monkey.  the person would have to be one who understands obama socialism simply doesnt work.

  19. I'd feel more than uncomfortable.  I'd be outright scared.  She is under investigation for allegedly abusing her power.  She wants to ban condoms and birth control.  She is pro war and supports big oil....I do not think that I could be comfortable with such a commander-in-chief.  I think that McCain made a huge mistake by choosing Palin.  Once people know enough about her they probably won't vote for McCain.....

  20. Fair.

    How many simple questions has Obama blundered?

    Who the heck does know what a vice president does anyway?

    Do you?

    Maybe it's kind of like the back up goalie in hockey.

  21. I don't feel comfortable with Obama as president.  Are you kidding me.  

  22. yes, I would pick Palin over Obama any day to know how to be Commander in Chief.  Obama knows where the south side of Chicago is and oh yes, Berlin.  What was it again that he did, organize what?  Quick, get him some arugula.

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