
After World War; Do French & German nations like each other?

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After World War; Do French & German nations like each other?




  1. i don't really know. maybe not instantly that the people have forgotten the cruelty of the germans. as time past by, the victims would likely forget it and instead focus on their present lives away from violence.

  2. Why not? Just remember that what happened to France was mostly done by Frenchmen. A part of France was occupied by the Germans but all of it was administered by the Vichy Government (except Alsace-Lorraine). The Vichy Government actively co-operated with Germany, including it's racial policies. To a considerable part of the French, the Germans were brothers. A part of French society had never accepted the Republican regime issuing from the Revolution, and wished to re-establish the Ancien Régime. This was made apparent by the glee of the leader of the monarchist Action française, Charles Maurras, who qualified the suppression of the French Republic as a "divine surprise".

  3. France and Germany now have nothing to do with the countries that went to war. The generations that saw those wars are disappearing, the new generations grew up thinking of each other as friends. We might have quarrels here and there but we are indeed friends. This was not easy and without the idea of the Coal and Steel treaty might have taken much longer.

    The older generations who went through WWII took some time to forgive, and many who had no grudge against the younger post-war born Germans still looked askance at Germans their own age, but they understood after WWII the idea of forgiving and rebuilding. Perhaps because they stood in a field of ruins, on the verge of starvation, with dead friends, dead family members, dead soldiers and civilians everywhere, and they saw the price to pay for a third war. Forgiving was NOT easy and took a good generation (around 25 years) before the wounds were scabbed over.

    Note: Numbat, that is the most unbelievable piece of bullsh*t I have ever read. You just picked up pieces here and there and stitched them together to make them say what you wanted.

    The majority of the French did not consider the Germans as their friends. The government set up by the Germans was collaborating because they were set up by the Germans who preferred to have a puppet system in place to do their bidding, that doesn't mean that the French loved to be occupied or do you think they fled the German advance in 1940 because they wanted to go on vacation? The royalists who gleefully saw the fall of the Republic did not gleefully saw the occupation of France. The n***s used France as a food, money and work reservoir, 1.6 million prisoners of war used in German land, plus the 1 million civilians taken by the so-called civilian work organization, payment of twenty million Reichmarks per day, confiscation of more than half the food produced in France...

  4. Yes, greatly, as the two nations together were the founding members of the European Common Market, about 1955.

    (Note that's only 10 years after WWII)

  5. which world war?

    but, yes, as of today France and Germany like each other. Germany is liked by just about all nations.

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