
After a D&C how long did it take for your cycle to go back to normal again?

by  |  earlier

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i'm actually very regular, my cycle is always around 28 days long, but last month, after the D&C my cycle was 39 days long, my period is longer and heavier too. my hormones are back to 0 again.

soooo....i would just like to know, how long did you wait so that your cycle length would go back to normal?

and because my cycle was 39 days long last month, does that mean this month it will take that long again? or will it already be 28 days long like always?




  1. First, I'm  so sorry to hear you had to have a Dn'c.

    I too went through this only a few months ago.

    I had my first period at 6 weeks after the DNC...and my next period was regular (27-28 days) later....

    It was certainly nerve-wracking waiting for that first period to show up, but sounds like you or your way to become regualr :)

    best of luck :)

  2. i had a period 2 weeks after a d&c.then the next was my normal 30 day.your periods can take a while to get back to normal and sometimes they never do.i would think that they will go back to a normal 28 day one after the last period

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