
After a While My internet goes off?

by  |  earlier

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After I have been on the internet for a few hours it doesn't work anymore. It says all that page unavailable c**p. But when i restart the laptop it comes back on. why is this? Its ver annoyingx




  1. check the signal, are you on dial up, that usually cuts out in about an hour or so,  

  2. i had the same problem try calling ur internet provider

  3. Make sure all the cables are plugged in properly.

  4. Are you using dial-up as internet service provider?  i had the same problem after 4 hours of being online  ...  it is because it is set to time out after a certain amount of time. i remember mine said after 3 hours;

    "you have been online a long time" do you want to stay online?..

    after 4 hours, it disconnected me and i had to restart... I think it also has to do with not making the internet server to busy...  some people would never shut it off, or fall asleep with it on...    

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