
After a day on roller coasters or at the beach I feel like I'm still moving when I lay down. Why is that?

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I know it's not a medical problem or anything, and I'm not worried, but, I've always found it odd that when I've spent a day doing something with constant motion, like roller coasters, or canoeing, or playing in ocean waves, when I lay down to sleep, I always feel like I'm moving. Can anyone explain this sensation?




  1. The inner ear assists in balance.

    There are three loops above the cochlea in the inner ear known as semicircular canals.

    These semicircular canals are liquid filled.

    As your head moves, the liquid is moved which sends a signal to the brain saying that you are moving.

    Once the body movement stops so does the liquid and a signal is sent to the brain to say that you are still.

    Occasionally the fluid doesn’t stop moving when you do.

    This causes the brain to receive mixed signals and in turn causes a person to feel they are stil moving.

  2. I noticed in while long distance driving, the parking lot or scenery keeps moving after I get out of the car. The brain becomes accustom to the stimulus and sets up a subroutine to compensate for the motion or distortion. The subroutine allows you to function with out thinking while in an altered environment.

  3. Because your body is still feeling the affects. This is very normal. Its always a lot of fun to go on those roller coasters, but it is a vigorous activity for our bodies.

  4. I don't really know.... it's happened to me, after I go to the ocean... personally I think it's very calming.......

    well, i THINK that it's because our body remembers the movement, and that we're used to it, like those astronauts in space. They get used to null-gravity, and they have to exercise everyday to keep their muscles in shape, otherwise when they return to earth they won't be able to move, 'cos they'll be so heavy....


  6. My grandfather used to call it sea legs.  I'm not postive but I'm pretty sure it probably has something to do with your inner ear.  I know that's where a lot of your balance is controlled.  It's probably the you get used to being in motion so when your not your body keeps going.  That has to do with physics, but don't really understand it all that well.  I don't know if that helps. but hope it does.  I still remember when my granddad took me deep sea fishing.  First time I'd ever been out on a boat in the ocean and when we got home I was rocking back and forth and didn't realize it.  When he said something I stopped and start to feel like I was back on the boat.

  7. ahhahaha. dude this happens to me all the time.

    yeah after a day at knott's berry farm i feel like im still on a roller coaster or something.

    my best guess is that when your moving on a roller coaster your brain is moving  a bit in your head and it hasnt gotten used to being still.

    i dont know about the beach though?

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