
After a long and trying ordeal... and your spirit is exhausted?

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What do you do to reenergize yourself? How do you seperate yourself from what you just went through so you can digest it all mentally?




  1. it depends,,everyone has a different way, talking about it (about what u went through)really helps me and also you need time to heal so u can be reengergized, you can also read a genre of books that you really like , basically doing the things that make you happy and somehow listening to or getting perspective other than ur own.

  2. Have s*x or m********e. No, seriously. Gotta relax physically, before you can relax mentally.

  3. Have a good long cry

  4. Meditate so that I can try to get my emotions out of the way at least somewhat. So that I can see more clearly.

  5. Listen to music, talk to a friend, write in journal, or exercise.

  6. exercise, play, feed the spirit with beauty... gardening, painting, get back to nature, get back to basics.

  7. Hot chocolate, chocolate, a good book, a nap, but my favourite is to just sit in the sun.

  8. What I have done is take a retreat after (or before) a test.  I used to go to a favorite place (a Zen retreat land) after (sometimes before) any of the major tests I had to take at the State college I attended, as a reward and/or to quiet my mind.  The retreat (I call them 'treats') did not cost much, and would be just the ticket to revitalize me.  I would take an overnight kit and spend the night in their special Octagon house.  This place I speak of has gardens as well as a walking path that takes you to the ocean (which has all those negative ions that make you feel GREAT.)  It is my favorite place in California and lucky for me it is only about 2 hours away from my front door, and the price is around 100 dollars a night...well worth it for totally cleansing my mind, body and spirit.  I imagine that there is a retreat land of some kind near where you live.  Check into it.  I encourage you to GO!!

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