
After a miscarriage is it normal to have a strong need to get pregnant again right away?

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I miscarried 2 weeks ago. Everything went smoothly and I'm feeling a lot better now. My husband and myself are planning on waiting at least 6 months until we try again. But just in the last couple of days I feel this strong urge of needing to be pregnant again. It's like my mind is telling me to wait and my body is craving to be pregnant again. This is normal?




  1. its normal but you should wait a couple of months to let your body get back to normal

  2. I felt the same way and we are on cycle #4 still waiting to get that BFP!!!  Theres no way I could have waited to TTC again, I want it far to bad and I was physically and emotionally ready again right away (so was my hubby)

  3. It is perfectly normal.  I personally have never had a m/c, but I know a lot of people who have...and they are the same way.  But the healthiest choice would be to wait.  You will have a better chance of keeping the baby and the baby to be healthy.  But be careful you are VERY fertile right now.  Good luck and God Bless!

  4. i had an unexpected miscarriage april 26 while i had an iud. my husband was freaked always said nhe never wanted kids but after wards he told me he wanted a baby and it brought light to his eyes cause he was excited for the 3 days after we found out i was pregnant until i had a miscarriage. so we took out iud and are trying now.   all i can say is


  5. that is normal dontworry but wait till the time u feel better and ready to get pregnant ur utrus become week after miscarring so jus do as dr says u can try after like 3 months...

  6. I'm really sorry for your loss.  Yes, it is perfectly normal after a miscarriage to want to get pregnant really fast.  I had a miscarriage on March 19 this year, and I have a really strong desire to get pregnant again even now.  My doctor tolk me to wait just two cycles and then I could try again, but my husband and I always had unprotected s*x, i did not care what the doctor said, we wanted to get pregnant so bad, and did not want to miss a chance.  It is good to wait to have at least 2 periods and that your hormones are balanced again, and then if you are ready you should try again.  I wish you the best.

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