
After a misscarriage can u get pregnant before u have your first cycle?

by  |  earlier

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I just ahd a miscariage and i heard your period can take time to regulate again but i was just wondering if u could get pregnant before u had your first period after m/c




  1. Yep you can. I am 35 weeks pregnant right now and I had a miscarriage 2 weeks before I got pregnant with this one. I never had another period after the miscarriage. When I went back to my OB for a checkup 1 month after the miscarriage happened I told them I thought I was pregnant again. They did a urine test and it was positive but my OB still didn't  believe I was pregnant again so soon. He said the pregnancy test was probably picking up some left over hormones from the miscarriage. So they did a blood test and sure enough I was pregnant again. This pregnancy had went great so far. I have only 5 weeks to go and I am expecting a little girl.

  2. Yes it is possible. I suggest you take precautions, just in case.  

  3. You can and My friend did!

    She had an early miscarriage and then found out 6 weeks later she was pregnant again and she had had no period in between.

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