
After a recent burglary, we are completing our insurance claim and I have just noticed the policy?

by  |  earlier

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states we were part of a "neighbourhood watch"scheme for we have recieved a discount over the past 6 months. I did genuinely believe we were part of this scheme as I saw posters outside, but I now understand this has to actually logged with the police so we were obv not party to this. I am really worrried that will now completely invalidate our claim - can anyone help? The loss adjsuter from the insurers is coming tomorrow




  1. Dont say a word. The loss adjuster is there not to inspect your policy, but to investigate the theft.

    simply explain what happened  when you were burgled. where were you, what was the point of entry, the exttent of damage, the sense of violation what was damaged, or stolen. Things like that.  including roughly what sort of time, etc etc.

    good luck.

  2. I don't see how it would matter.. When I lived in a neighborhood with a neighborhood watch, that meant there were certain people on certain streets that would watch out for the ENTIRE street and report suspicious activities. Even so, I don't see how this could have helped you, especially if you were broken into at night when most people are sleeping.

  3. The loss adjuster is just that. You may be lucky to get a reduced payout as you were in fact under insured as they say, albeit unknowingly.

    Worst scenario you won't get a penny. Contact the Insurance Ombudsman if they won't agree any kind of payout.

  4. you know,if you want to get the most relevant answers,you got to try to find it out yourself,since only yourself knows what you really is a good resource for you to start.

  5. The fact that the loss adjuster is visitng your home would suggest that this has to be a reasonably large claim.

    Insurance companies do try to wriggle out of paying money, it is possible they may raise the issue, especially if you are claiming for housebreaking.

    Obviously you won't mention this and if the adjuster does then you explain the situation and hope for the best. If you have been trughful and honest about everything else it will be treaeted sympathetically. If however a calim was to be "inflated" then it might be difficult.

  6. i got nothin lol well good luck with ur insurance

  7. If you are in a neighborhood crime watch area, your discount should be good. Unless your policy states that you must be a member of the crime watch. On the local level the neighborhood crime watch holds meetings, and people that attend the meeting are asked to sign in. The only thing that could come out of this would be that your payments would go back to a higher rate. As long as you have been making all your payments on time, that's more important. If he doesn't ask about it, don't tell him anything. the best thing to do is answer the questions only, and briefly. Do not give more information than is needed.

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