
After a report is filed what happens next, in this situation...?

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Someone has just filed a police report stating that child p**n was found on someones elses' computer. What happens after the report is filed and how soon, and or long does it take for it to happen?




  1. Varies case to case. Investigation, obtaining warrants, involving the internet provider,  Multi agency involvement.  Almost anything to do with a computer gets really involved real quick.  When your neighbors gets something you send over the computer, it does not go directly to them.  It goes through phone lines to a server somewhere and then to the neighbor.  The something therefore has crossed over state lines which adds another wrinkle prosecutorally.

  2. The police will try to talk to the reporter in detail.    The police will try to ask the perpetrator to voluntarily give up his computer so that they can check the hard drive (not likely).    Or, the police will try to get a search warrant for the computer.    Once the search warrant is signed by the Judge, the police can take the computer.    Once the computer has been taken into evidence, it is sent to a crime lab so that the data/images can be retrieved.      Even though items have been deleted, they still can be found on the hard drive.     If it is confirmed there is pornography on the computer (and the extent/type of p**n), the local police may make an arrest or the federal authorities will step in and take control of the case.  

    Getting a warrant signed by the Judge can be almost immediately.     Having a search of the hard drive performed can take months and months depending on the laboratory.  

  3. .   It is referred to the city or county attorney.  Who has 1 million cases ahead of this one.  This could get lost in the shuffle.  If not, something will be written and sent out in 7-10 days.

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