
After a separation/divorce, what do you want to know before...?

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getting in a relationship with someone new?

I am currently getting to know someone better, whom I am very interested in. He knows my situation with my ex-husband, and that I have a child, and so far it does not bother him at all. We talk every day and spend some time together. We have been asking each other a lot of questions to get to know one another better, before starting a relationship...

For a background, my ex was mentally, and physically abusive, doesn't take care of his child, and cheated on me.

Any ideas on what I should ask this "new guy" before getting in a relationship?




  1. before you even move on to a next guy you should be alobe for a while & then move on

    after a divorce you need a relax, you need to calm down with your self..

    then when you do move on ''the most important thing you should look first is if he is like the other guy had....''

  2. I would ask him heaps of questions about his past relationships.  Why did they end and also take note of how he reacts to the questions.  I would also like to see him with his family and friends to see how he interacts with them.  You can pick up heaps by just observing.  Good Luck and your smart to be taking it slow.

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