
After a tooth extraction is it normal to feel no pain unless I eat in that area? How long before I can eat ?

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  1. eat on your other side for a while and use salt and water if you feel pain take painkillers but it usually takes about a week

  2. I had all four wisdom teeth pulled the same day and I was eating about 8 hours after the surgery.  The holes would fill up with food but then you rinse well with warm salt water and it cleans them out. I had no complications at all, except a piece of bone was stuck in the hole but it eventually fell out. This was about 4 months ago.  Just keep swhishing the salt water around untill it suctions the food out of the hole and you will be good to go! Just eat soft foods, i was eating fettucini alfredo and chocolate cake

  3. Hey. I had 2 teeth pulled last week.

    and I didn't feel any pain. apart from the next day but it was only sore where the needles has been.

    and I was eating soup with bread after about 3 hours.

    but I guess everyone is different.

    Mine bled on and off for about 3 days.

  4. Lucky you,  must be healing fast. Don't bite anything hard on that side for about a week. Keep it clean by rinsing with warm salty water.

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