
After a week of Partisan name calling McCain comes on and says he wants to reach across the aisle? Another ?

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flip flop?




  1. No flip flop, it's just politics and they know that. They have to tell the people what they want to hear. I'll tell you one thing though, what I heard from the RNC this week was, Military this and military that and nothing about the American people and our problems. there was also allot of name calling and insults thrown around with nothing of real substance. Do they deserve another 4 years? I think not, but you be the judge of that.

  2. well, its still early...stay tuned...





  4. god's will.

  5. Yeah and after never voting a single across the aisle vote Obama likes to think he votes across the aisle.

  6. But of course. People think only Obama is capable of what they call flip-flops. Either way, time will tell if he means what he says on this.

  7. as he was pledging to "change the way government does almost everything," the senator from Arizona announced his commitment to much, much more of the same.

        He pledged to maintain endless occupations of distant lands that empty the U.S. Treasury of precious resources that might pay for infrastructue renewal, housing and job creations initiatives for hurting Americans.

        He outlined trade and tax policies that would extend, rather than alter a failed economic status quo.

        He reintroduced flawed proposals for health care, education and entitlement reforms that Americans have wisely rejected.

        And he threatened to achieve "energy independence" by declaring:

        "We will drill..."

        "We'll drill..."

        "More drilling..."

        McCain's rhetoric was that of a liberated man declaring his independence from his party's failed president and corrupt Congresses.

        But his platform was that of Republican candidate who, for all of his talk of reform, offers the crudest continuity to a country that is crying out for change.

  8. McCain's history in the Congress has shown that he has reached across party lines many, many times, so get your freaking facts straight. Not once, according to biden, etc., has Obama EVER done this.

  9. I am still waiting to see McCain offer some kind of solution instead of using his POW status. Sure he is a hero as are thousands of other vets.Why if he is so bent on the hero has he not said anything about the revamp of the VA. McCain acts to me like his idea is the only idea. I have hope at least with another candidate instead of more of the same. Take time to look at his voting records and ask yourself if you like the way he sides with the Bush people. Why hasn't he made changes in the last 25+ years. He must be waiting for his new VP to do this.

  10. Loose Lips Grampy McSame is too senile to even recognize a flip-flop.  BiPartisan, my ***!

  11. a lot of mixed messages from the RNC

  12. Not just another flip flop, but another manipulation.  Please remember GWB's "uniter, not a divider" speech.  A lot of suckers bought into that and what we got was the most partisan administration ever.  I've never been more suspicious that Karl Rove has been calling the shots before last night.  No, I'm not going to bite a that apple John McCain is holding.  Reminds me too much of the serpent in the White House now.

  13. i'm thinking he'd sell his grandma to the devil, if he could win...

  14. Another flip flop....they couldn't do anything but bash Obama....they have nothing to defend...what are they going to talk about that America is proud of in the past 4 years of Bush policies??? They have NOTHING to defend.  

  15. You know McCain is not called a maverick for nothing.  He has reached across the aisle many times.  He is more willing to work with the opposition than just about any other republican.  You might want to do a little research on this before you say he flip-flops.  By the way this is part of the reason the republican base had a problem with him as the candidate.  He has co-operated very often.  

  16.   Who has the better record of Bi Partisanship?  Obama? A Very dubious record indeed. Obama reached across the aisle twice just two times and that was not to author any reform or legislation that was to "co-sponsor" a piece more than likely at the urging of his DNC masters so it would look good on his resume.   Obama is a very polarizing figure politically he will not be able to bring the myriad factions within politics together he will only serve to fracture then further.  Conservatives will abandon him as will disaffected Democrats and Independents can Obama really affect change? Nada not a chance wake up and smell your starbucks isnt going to happen.

  17. There was a speaker at the Ron Paul Rally who essentially said, the two parties are 'Evil' and 'Stupid.  

    Once in a while they get together and do something that is both Evil and Stupid -- they call that 'Bipartisanism'.

    I think we can expect a lot of that.

  18. It does not matter who wins, no one will reach across any aisle. Halve the country bitterly disagrees with the other halve. The end result will be four more years of anger and nothing getting done. You can not join people together by slinging mud around and insulting everyone. The country is in a hopeless dead lock and getting worse all the time.

  19. Have you never been a part of a political campaign? This is standard operating procedure. BOTH candidates, both parties are doing the same thing.  

  20. yes, wasn't that the funniest thing

  21. What really amused me was that the more he dissed them and their party, the more these idiots cheered.

    The cherry on the cake was when he said:

    'I worked across the aisle on Immigration Reform.'

    Deafening roar.

    What a bunch of losers.

  22. If you knew anything you would know that he has. That's one reason his party don't care much for him.

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