There's been a few studies on the effects of the nanoparticles from Diesel exhaust on animals and humans, but nothing conclusive. One study, on human tests subjects, showed it cause temporary oxidative stress in the brain. In animals, in higher doses, they have caused symptoms systematic of alzheimer's syndrome, as well as induced cardiac diseases and heart attacks. So, we do know that the nanoparticles do something, and when you inhale them, they go right up to your brain.....but, are they permanent? Do they imbed themselves there forever, or eventually, in someway dissipate? Like, when you're behind a truck that's spewing out a lot of diesel exhaust in traffic, are you being PERMANENTLY brain damaged and developing a greater likelihood of altzeimers later in life, as well as heart problems, and lung cancer?... or is an acute exposure of that variety negligible, with your body's defenses plenty able and equipped to protect your organs and eject out the pollutants with no damage taken?