
After all that's happened between us. shall i text him????

by  |  earlier

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theres this guy, and we were sitting in a big group of friends and he put this pretzel stick thing in his mouth and he told me to take it. i just smiled and laughed, then he said take it so i leaned in and took a bit of the end (while it was still in his mouth) and as i moved back he moved in and asked me where you going i wanted to kiss you? i left it at that. next day on a bench me and my guy friend were sitting and there was a space next to me and he came to sit down. and there was like 9 of us me being the only female. he was talking to his friends joking and then he stopped and then leaned into my neck and said mmmm your wearing perfume. another friend of mine was just quick in passin and i got up to greet her. and when i came back my friend nick was sitting in my place next to the guy(im on about) and then he said to nick get up let the dame sit down. i keep noticing he's looking back at me when im checking him out because our eyes keep meeting. i need advice what are your opinions?(i only see him 2 months a year) shall i text him to ask him how he is coz he gave me his number and i didnt give him mine




  1. I kept trying to avoid answering this...but blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  Leave the poor guy alone.  For 10 months a year he is doing the same romantic move on others.

  2. well call me silly but it seems to me like he likes you.... he was totally flirting!! :) i think u should text him cuz hes probly wondering wat happened and he probly thinks that ur not feeling him. just take a chance and text him... i would.

  3. no  

  4. text him!!! he sounds sooooo cute. don't miss out on this opportunity!

  5. yes text him, u2 are obviously into each other. *so why is it that u only see him 2 months a year? does he live far?*

    anyways, what's the harm in texting him? just ask him how he's doing, don't start flirting with him right away. just keep it casual at first as see where it goes.

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