
After all this time,Am I an american citizen?

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I have been a legal permanent resident in the U.S. since 1976. Now I am 39 yrs old, I have been married to an american citizen for over 22 yrs, i served in the military for 4yr, never went to jail, pay my taxes, blah blah,,, Do i automatically become and american citizen? How do i find out? who do i call? HELP!!!!




  1. You are a citizen!

    if you have served in the military.. the government considers you established. Otherwise.. you would not have been able to join?

    I don't know, if i'm wrong i'm sorry.... but in my opinion,  you're as american as they come.  

  2. Your military service qualifies you for citizenship but you still have to apply for it. They will ask for proof of service, your marriage license, and your quarterly social security report showing how many income "points" you've earned over the years. They asked my fiance for this, so when you get those things in the them.

    Do a web search for US Immigration. It will take you to the website and give you all the information you need. You can do all of this yourself, so don't fall into the panic of needing an attorney!!

    Thank you for your service and good luck!! ;)

  3. Your military service should take care of that for you.

  4. Do you have a Social Security number?

  5. Number one..THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE..You have done more than most who have been born here.  

    Unfortunately, you can not automatically become a citizen of the  U.S.A.  

    You must take a test and be sworn in as a citizen.

    Contact your Congressman and he/she will give you the details...

    And Good Luck, we need more people like you to immigrate here to become productive members of our communities.

  6. NO, You still need go thru the naturalization process to become a US citizen

  7. You still have to apply to become a citizen. Which you seem to be eligible to do. Go to and all the forms and info you need are there.

  8. American citizenship is NEVER granted automatically to a citizen of another country, only by birth to an American Citizen in the US.  If you want to be an American citizen and have fulfilled all the requirements, submit your application for naturalization, and fulfill the remaining requirements, take the Oath of Citizenship, and get your certificate of naturalization.

  9. Becoming a US citizen is a strictly voluntary act. There are very few ways that one can become a US citizen without applying for it.

    Those ways include:

    - Being born to a US citizen anywhere in the world

    - Being born in the US to a US citizen or a foreign national

    - Being the minor child of a person who becomes a naturalized US citizen

    In your case, you are not a US citizen and will have to apply for it.

    You should read the Guide to Naturalization published by US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS):

    There's an additional brochure with information that may be relevant to you since you were in the armed forces:

    And finally, USCIS form # N-400 is the one you will want to file. The fee is $675 and processing takes between 8 to 12 months on average.

    Look at the bottom of the address and make sure to read the instructions when filling out the form.

    But first and foremost you will want to read the Guide to Naturalization I linked you to above. It will clarify everything.

    In your case, you can apply for naturalization as soon as your paperwork is ready.

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