
After an abortion can you fly on a plane after 3 weeks??

by  |  earlier

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i would like to know if it would be safe to fly




  1. Yes, there's no reason you couldn't fly.

  2. Yes, one can fly after they kill an innocent life.

  3. will pretty much be back to normal.  You just need to take it a little easier for the first few days afterwards.

  4. Y not?  Even if u were pregnant u could still fly.

  5. Yes, you can fly.  You will be back to normal within a week or so of the procedure.

  6. You should be completely safe to fly.  

  7. As long as you aren't planning to have s*x on the plane, it should be fine.

    Good luck!

  8. yes youl be fine

  9. yes its fine

  10. There would be no reason as to why you shouldn't. You are not carrying a fetus anymore.

  11. Yes no problem at all.  

  12. Yes, you should be able to fly as long as you don't have any complications. Even if you were still pregnant, you could still fly depending on your situation.

  13. Sure... why wouldn't it be... it's ONLY an abortion... people with open heart surgery can fly after 3 weeks

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