
After basic training, will my son start MOS or does he get deployed? ?

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  1. If he has an MOS in his contract he will go straight to that school from boot camp.  The US Military will not deploy anyone that is not trained.

  2. He will go to AIT after he completes basic. He will then proceed to his first duty station. Once there, it will depend upon the unit's rotation schedule as to whether or not he deploys right away.  

  3. to me it doesn't matter = i'm old navy = but i do wist to say THANK YOU TO YOU AND YOUR SON. you and your son are very brave people thank god for folks like your son

    navy 1974=1986     thank you and may god bless your family

  4. If hes gonna be a Marine he will graduate boot camp..Then he gets 10 days leave..Then he goes to MCT for about 1 month if his MOS is NOT infantry..If he is infantry he goes directly to his MOS school for about 2 months after his 10 days leave..

    After MCT he goes to his schooling for whatever length the school is if hes not infantry MOS..

    After schooling he goes to his permanent unit and depending on his MOS this will determine if he even deploys..

    Not every Marine unit deploys and not every Marine deployment is to the middle east. Marines deploy all over the world and out at sea.

    Deployment is not guaranteed contrary to what many think. Many USMC MOS's do not deploy.

  5. He's not going anywhere until he completes school and reports to his first assignment for duty.  He will then deploy when that unit deploys.

  6. Judging from your your profile name, it seems that your son is going to Marine Boot Camp or is in Marine Boot Camps right now. It's a little odd that you haven't been spun up on the issue.

    Unlike Army basic which often uses a OSUT system, which combines bootcamp with advanced individual training and mos qualification, the Marines use a Depot system.

    Marines go through 13 weeks of training (much of it NON-combat) in order to earn the right to call themselves a U.S. Marine. After a short break (some folks choose to go right on to MCT/SOI) Marines go on to the School of Infantry and split up. Non-Infantrymen go to Marine Combat Training, a 29 training day (with additional time for in and out processing) course covering basic rifleman/combat survival skills and a few things specifically geared toward non-03's.  This gets tweaked every so often, and I wouldn't be surprised to see training extended yet again in the near future.

                                     Future Marine Infantrymen 03's go to the Infantry Training Battalion and are put through 59 days (plus in/out processing and free time if the training schedule allows it) to learn the BASICS of their craft. They will also learn their specialty: infantry rifleman, mortarman, assaultman, machine gunner, etc.  

    There may be specifics in his contract stating where he goes after leaving ITB, like Security Forces or taking a shot at Recon (0321 not taught at SOI) but after that Infantry Marines are dispersed to their units mostly on the needs of the Marine Corps.                            


    Non-Infantry Marines will board buses/planes to their respective MOS's.

    It's important to note that every once in awhile their will be snags in MOS's and the Marine Corps may stick you in a job that isn't specfically in your contract, but is in your general career field. There are some options for your son, and he can request to speak with those handling MOS's if he notices a problem. I had that problem when I was in SOI and it took about 1 hour to correct.

    It's also important to understand that the majority of your son's training is going to occur in the Fleet with his unit. He'll be spun up on a lot of what he really needs to know by the people he will be working with. If his unit is scheduled to deploy as part of a MEU, he'll get additional training geared to that mission. If they are scheduled to go Iraq or Afghanistan, he'll be recieve additional training as well.

  7. How are they going to deploy him if he hasn't been trained in a job? He goes to school after basic....

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