
After becoming a veggie, what did you do with all your leather products?

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BTW, I know this isn't a food & drink question.




  1. 1)Phase them out, as they wear out replace them with Veggie Friendly

    2)Resale(a resale-consignment  shops)

    3) Donate them to the Salvation Army or Goodwill

  2. Sell them on eBay. It's the best way if you haven't got money to toss around, as you know, leather costs money.

  3. if you really dont want to keep them i would say sell them or give them to charity .

  4. Keep them. The animals they came from are already dead. Nothing you can do for them. Just don't buy more.

  5. I ate them...

    lol j/k.

    What products are you talking about?  Vegetarian is a diet.  It only has to do with the foods you eat.

    But if you want to eliminate non-food animal products from your life as well, I suggest sell them or give them away to someone else who would have bought a new one.  This reduces demand for them.

  6. either give them a decent burial  or donate  them  to charity.

  7. i kept mine.......i think it would be wasteful to get rid of them before they have worn out.  i continue to wear leather goods that i purchased before i went veg, and everything that i have bought since is animal friendly and cruelty free =).

    there's no need to get rid of leather you already own unless you just don't feel comfortable wearing it anymore.  if it makes you feel guilty to wear it, turn it in at a shelter where it can be passed out to the homeless.  they definitely would not care where your clothing came from....they'd just be happy to be warm.

    really it all comes down to preference and what you feel comfortable wearing.  not eating meat is a huge help....if you want to stop there it is better than doing nothing, but keep in mind that people may think you're a hypocrite if you're veg and wear leather.  make sure when people question you they know that you purchased those goods before you went vegetarian, that way it doesn't harm the great work that vegetarians are trying to accomplish. =)

    EDIT: i know what you mean....i wish the v & v section were in societies & cultures instead of food &'s definitely about more than diet!!

  8. I sold/gave it away.  

    I gave a leather jacket to a friend, sold a down jacket on consignment and donated the proceeds to the animal shelter where I rescued my cat, and gave my leather shoes and purses to Goodwill.

    At first, I didn't have a problem using my "pregan" leather.  (There's not point wasting it, right?)  But before long, I started seeing leather and wool for what it really is and now I just can't use it anymore.

  9. Vegans are strict about leather things and would not give them house room, however,  vegetarians may or may not be as concerned about it.

    I had the experience of visiting a vegetarian friend and being shocked to find leather furniture in her den and a fur coat in her hall closet. It blew me away.

    But then I realized that her husband was non-veg and a very wealthy veterinarian who had social expectations of his wife that didn't take into account her diet and commitment to a non-violent way of life.

    Make no mistake, he is a lovely man who works with animals to save them from pain and suffering; but he hasn't made the connection between his business life and his service to the animals and his own consciousness and diet.  She might have liked him to make different choices but the beauty of their relationship was their mutual respect and affectionate regard each for the other and the stability of their loving family. Their children were all vegetarian only he was not.

    For me that is an example of true friendship between life partners.  

    I can say I am glad that those were not the circumstances given to me to live with, but I admire their mutually accommodating relationship.

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