
After becoming vegetarian or vegan how long did it take..??

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to start feeling better and losing weight?




  1. Well I've been vegan for 2 years & still haven't lost weight (mainly because I still eat loads of vegan chocolate and cakes etc)

    I don't mean to put you off, just saying that vegetarian diets don't automatically mean you'll lose weight.

    But, saying that, a vegetarian diet is healthier than an omnivore diet (in my opinion) because a lot of meat is so fatty.

  2. veg*n does not equal weight loss.

  3. I lost a lot of weight when becoming vegan after a few days, until i discovered the joy of vegan cake/muffins/cupcakes and dairy-free chocolate

  4. I didnt concern myself with weight but i started feeling better within a couple days (physically, mentally most will feel better the moment they decide on taking up the lifestyle)

  5. There's no reason to assume that you will lose weight at all.  Neither is a weight loss plan.  Weight loss require one thing: that you burn more calories than you consume.  If you eat the same number of calories as a veg*n that you did as a meat eater, and your activity level doesn't change, you won't lose weight.

    I didn't start feeling better after either change because I never felt poorly to begin with.

  6. uh i dont need to lose weight

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