
After being cheated on, could you ever be 100% over it, or will it always hurt?

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After being cheated on, could you ever be 100% over it, or will it always hurt?




  1. Depends on the person doing the cheating and how deeply you love them.

  2. You'll always be hurt and constantly have that thought in the back of your mind, wondering.... wondering if they are telling you the truth about where they are... or what they did that day...

    Now, in time, it will hurt less, but it will always be there. You can't re-gain trust once its been broken. You can gain confidence, but never the trust.

  3. Time heals everything. Especially if you have a "move on" personality which some people don't.  

  4. you will never be 100% over it..there will be that little blimp in the back of your mind that will never go away. no matter how much the other person has changed the hurt will always be there but the pain will dim as time goes mom use to tell me that you can forgive a person for them hurting you but you can't forget the pain that they caused you and it's true

  5. I would get over it if we could joke about it freely later.

    Oh, budy, thinking about the sluttttt?

    Hey, she looks like that ugly girlfriend that you had.

    STuff like that.

  6. it will always be there, no matter how many years have passed, it always has a way of coming back whenever your angry or feeling insecure,or when he hasn't told u where he is going. the mind will always find its way back to that day and it always hurts.

  7. Time heals the wound but it leaves a scar

  8. It will always hurt and once in a while you will think about it again and all the hurt and pain comes back to you.

  9. Every experience you have in life changes who you are so you can never be the same when someone hurts you, but you can move on with your life. Sometimes you will remember how bad it hurt, but it will make you realize how lucky you are to be rid of that person

  10. I have never been in this situation, but I do not think I could ever be 100% again.  Depending upon the circumstances, I could probably get to the point of contentment and living a fairly happy life together for the sake of the kids, but there would probably always be a part of me that had to "deal" with the hurt.

    Hope I never have to find out!

  11. I don't think you can ever be 100% over it. 99% maybe! You just need to move on. When I was cheated on it felt like it was the worst thing ever. (I was so green in those days - makes me blush to think of it.) It hurt like my insides had been scooped out. I didn't quite wig out but now more than a decade later I have gotten over it. It is only at times like these that I think about it and it hardly hurts at all.

  12. unless there is a complete turn around you see when trust is broken, it's hard to rebuild and it requires  a lot of patience. But it can happen, give it a chance.

  13. that will hurt some of the time, but I know that you will get over it, it won't always hurt 100% I will knock that down to a 30% that will take you to a 7

  14. You never get over it 100%. I think it makes you bitter and more wary as time passes rather than still being hurt. Everyone reacts differently I suppose.

  15. I have been cheated on, and yes I will always remember it, but I CHOOSE to move on with my life and not dwell on my past pain.

    You can choose to move on or you can choose to dwell on it. It's up to you.  

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