
After belly danceing does the upper part of your stomach supposed to hurt?

by  |  earlier

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I am takeing online corses and i learn 9-10 new things aday. I've been at it about 3 days now and every day after lessons my upper stomach seems to be sore. And idk if its from belly danceing haveing so much movement of the waist or if i need to slow things down a bit. Or if its just because my body isn't use to it.




  1. yeah the person above me has it right. your not used to using those muscles most likely.

  2. it's because you're using muscles you probably weren't using much before the course. (:  

  3. You're sore because you're using the muscles more than normal, and they're getting stronger. You don't need to slow things down. As a dancer, I view being sore as a good thing because it means I'm pushing myself farther and working harder.

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