
After birth when the newborn first cries - how do they stop the crying? When is the newborn first fed?

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After birth when the newborn first cries - how do they stop the crying? When is the newborn first fed?




  1. Having the baby put on your belly, or handed to you stops their crying - they know their mom before they're born.  Ideally a newborn is nursed immediately, and then the once over is done after the baby gets to nurse and bond with mom (the weighing, pediatric check, etc.).  If there is something wrong then all that doesn't matter and they'll be off to NICU and you'll need to worry about something else.

  2. They don't do anything to stop the crying.  The baby may stop immediately when picked up or wrapped, or not.  For her first hour, my 2nd child spent half her time screeching, squawking, and squalling (crying was too tame for her!).  She was not happy with her new environment!  And she was in my arms the whole time, except for my brief shower when she was in my husband's!

    Ideally, hospitals should be giving the baby the opportunity to breastfeed within one hour of birth.  This is necessary to be considered breastfeeding friendly.  However, I had that opportunity with my 2nd-4th children since they were homebirths, and none were willing to nurse in the first hour.  They nursed around 1 1/2-2 hours after birth.

  3. when they are in their mom's arms. Possibly not though I agree with ethel the baby should go directly to the mom's breast in most situations. skin  to skin contact is very important even if the baby isn't actually eating.

  4. You should put the newborn on your bare chest and let them wiggle up to your breast and latch on naturally.  They should be nursing within minutes of birth.  And, babies don't have to scream/cry when they are born; you can have a gentle birth.  They just need to breathe.  They cry because they are scared, cold, startled, shocked, cold, hungry, mad, cold, hungry....

  5. My baby never cried, he was wide eyed and bushy tailed, ready to meet the world!!  I nursed him immediately, he was weighed and measured, wrapped up and handed to me to be breastfed.  Nursing immediately is the best way to establish a good latch and eagerness to eat!!!  Good luck!!

  6. I am going to take a shot in the dark that you're going to be a new mom.

    The baby stops crying when/if s/he feels like it. The baby is usually pretty tired after being born (even after C-section) and will more likely be interested in sleeping more than anything else right after birth. The baby will give feeding cues when s/he is hungry (looks like yawning, turning their head from side to side, l*****g their lips).

  7. usually a cuddle does it!!  and they are wrapped up and nice and warm

  8. Both of my babies stopped crying when they were wrapped up and put in my arms.They weren't first fed until after their first baths, about one to two hours later. At least that's how it was with my little ones.

  9. All babies are different but once the baby is wrapped up and warm and in mummies arms they're probably stop crying ... when they took my son from me to wrap him up (i was holding him while they injected oxytocin in my leg) he was then passed back to my bf while i pushed the placenta out, and he wasn't crying while in my bfs arms. Then he was passed to me because if you're really interested in breastfeeding it is a very good idea to put the baby on your chest and allow him to go through his (or her) instincts and look for the breast and start feeding ... this should happen as soon after birth as possible (before being weighed and bathed etc) and feeding often happens about 20 mins after birth once they've gone through their stages of searching, grabbing and then latching themselves on. Not only does it really help with breastfeeding (less latching on problems etc) but it is AMAZING to watch, all of a sudden you just see them start feeling at your nipple with their little hand after searching for it. So beautiful.  

  10. They stop crying after there wrapped up, they cry because they are cold after being inside for all that time they are comfortable and extremely warm so when they are born they cry until they are warmed up. as far as when they are fed it is usually about two to three hours after thr birth.

  11. I got both my kids the minute they came out.  They then began crying and when I picked them up to hold them they stopped.  Both were BF immediately for the most part as other than bonding and nurturing it continues to keep the mom contracting lowering the risk of hemmorage and helping release the placenta.

  12. With #1, she stopped crying the second the put her on my tummy.  She wasn't crying hard enough in their opinion so they took her to give her a good bath and get her skin nice and pink because she was a little blue from pushing for too long.  I got to breastfeed her when she came back which was about an hour after she was born.

    With #2, he stopped crying too in my arms and I got to breastfeed him about 20-30 minutes after he was born.  He did really well, latched on, and didn't want to let go for what seemed like 30 minutes.

    There's nothing like mommy!

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