
After breaking with my girl friend,i get confused about my self."where should my attention should be?

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i feel very lonely my self and think that. "what are you here for" i asked my self,i have done every thing in power to prevent this but the answer is always be "no" how can i stop such problem.




  1. You are spending too much time on something you can't undo -

    Get involved in something totally unassociated with this girl - join a new club, take up an instrument, volunteer somewhere - make new friends, go new places,

    Stop beating yourself up - Have you given any thought that this break up maybe her loss not yours.

    You are obviously a caring compassionate person or this wouldn't be bothering you -

    time heals - and I'm sure there is someone out there just waiting to be involved with you...... You'll see, we all have ex's - that doesn't mean we are the bad guys - it means we haven't found the "right" one yet - keep looking - you'll be surprised at who you have overlooked or haven't met yet.

  2. concentrate on your studies.

  3. My Dear,

    Done cannot be undone. The true repentence could be to confess it before the God you believe in and never repeat it. You will be out of the problem, the moment you do all this.

  4. Realize that life is not over yet,A breakup or any such similar problem is meant only to strengthen you, I agree its difficult to forget such incidents in the beginning, but then you are prepared to face more challenges.Assert positiveness about yourself whenever you feel lonely or sad.Just say the following to yourself and think how you feel

    1) I am strong enough to I challenge myself to face the life no matter how bitter it may be.

    2)Its true that my girlfriend and i had a break up but its also true that situations could be worse,I think if she is doing good and ahppy , i should also be happy.

    3) I enjoy taking life as it comes, thats the essence of me.

  5. hay... hay... hay... Friend.

    Dont worry yaar... I think you need a real friend. Who can understand you. Who like to talk with you any time.

    You have to spend your all time with friends and family. I think these both can understand properly. I know you will be happy after this.

    If you need nice friend than i will help you. ok...

    Be Happy all time...


  6. well dude, i gotta say that breaking up with someone you "love" is the hardest thing in the world, trust me even i was in a same situation as you. But now what is done is done. Try to see the bright side of it. You gotta focus on more important things now taking care of yourself first.....after breakups it feels like we are totally at fault. But you just gotta let go of these thoughts. There are finer things in life than just relationships right! Go ahead and hang out with your buddies on a some things you like the most (for example playing football) anything which you couldnt have done with your gf. Hang out, relax and let it all go.....time will heal everything. Try to stay at least as "friends" with your ex.....but don't cross beyond "friends"...well....all girls are a bit hard to understand and you can possibly meet every demands ......well....chill out dude...and enjoy life

  7. buddy, I was in the same situation 1 year back... exactly similar. I even thought of giving away my life.

    U need to find some motto in life now... ask yourself.  

  8. be always confident to manage any difficult situations in life. this is what one can do.

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