
After buying a horse how much do vet bills avrege up to a year

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how much does it cost i have a friend she said her horse vet bill was around 100 dollars can it really be that cheap




  1. Sorry, I can't give you an exact answer because it really depends on how many times you have the vet out and what you have them do.

    But if you are interested in buying a horse, remember that you also need to keep up with having thier feet trimmed, shoes put on if needed, and having thier teeth done, too.  

  2. Yes it can be that cheap, I mean most wormers and stuff like that you can give your horse yourself so unless you horse is sick or gets hurt realy bad you probably wont need a vet at all.  I mean My grandparents have had a horse for 5 years and never once have they had tio pay a vet bill. ( although they realy need to get that horses teeth floated but they wont listen to me )

  3. It can be cheap... perhaps as low as $100 for the year.

    At the same time...

    I had a pony admitted to our local equine hospital for one night with a bout of colic.  $1100 later, she was fine.  And that was WITHOUT surgery.

    Never go into owning a horse thinking it will be cheap.  There is a reason they call this "The Sport of Kings".

  4. It can be that cheap, but it all depends on the condition of the horses. If they need there teeth floated, you can sometimes get it done for under $100.00 but that needs to be done 2-3 times per year,  buts its best to keep an emergency 'stash' in case a horse gets injured, and needs veterinary attention.  

  5. It varies quite a bit. I had one horse for 5 years and she never injured herself or got sick, so I never had to get the vet out (at the time I used a horse dentist who was cheaper than a vet).

    Then I bought another horse and in the first year I had nearly $1000 in vet bills because he cut his leg badly and had to have his teeth done three times because the previous owners had let them get so bad! (Once when I first got him, then again after 3 months, then again after 6 months)

    Dental visits from my vet cost about $115, and that needs to be done at least once a year, depending on how its teeth are.

    So basically there's no way of knowing for sure how much it will cost! I personally like to keep an 'emergency vet bill fund' in my bank just to be on the safe side :-)  

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