
After calling God a myth and other nasty things, can I still repent on my deathbed and get into Heaven?

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That's my plan, anyway. I just want to know if it is feasible!




  1. Yes, of course.

    I'd look up the definition of 'repent' if I were you tho.

  2. What if u don't have the time?? By the way God knows a persons heart. If ur not serious and u want to live a nasty life then before u die just want to go to heaven might not work for u buddy. This question also proves that u know that God is real otherwise u wouldn't decide to repent on ur death bed.

    Ex: What if somebody just come and chop ur neck off...It's too late THEN!!-lol

  3. anyone can say that they believe in God, but really don't. So, the only way you'll get into heaven is if you say that you believe in Jesus as your savior and actually mean it! Some people will just say it in desperation, but it's too late if you don't truly believe what you're saying.

    so basically, yes you can.

    why would you want to call God a myth if you're deciding to believe in him in hte end? Why not believe in him now and get a strong relationship with him. He should be your strenght when you're weak, you hiding place (someone to talk to when you're having difficulties with life) and so much more! If you believe in him now, he will not fail you, he will prosper you.  

  4. If you're doing it just to get to heaven and not because you truly love Him, you've got it wrong. You can't deny God all your life knowing you will repent at your death just for that one reason alone. Yes of course if you admit you have lived a sinful life, believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins because he loves YOU, and commit to living for God, then you will go to heaven IF you truly believe it in your heart and not just believe it for the sake of going to heaven to avoid h**l. Remember that He loves you!

  5. Sounds to me like you believe in a god (most likely the christian god).  But heres a little newsflash...You can't repent to something and go somewhere after you die that doesn't exist...Good luck tho!

  6. No... because heaven in that context does not exist.

  7. That is playing the game intelligently.

  8. You're counting on the fear getting to you.

  9. I think the problem that quite a few people have is a lack of understanding about Biblical "repentance." The word "repentance" in the Bible means "a turn around." Making a U-turn is a good example of repentance. The Bible clearly teaches that repentance is necessary for salvation. So don't think that people have a license to sin; on the contrary, they will be held more accountable to God if they are sinning in the knowledge of the truth.  

  10. Yh thats what the mafia did XP

  11. NO, because clearly your repentance is not sincere.  But, if you were sincerely sorry for being an intolerant and prejudiced person, you could repent and get into heaven.  I wouldn't let you in, but God is much more loving, gracious and forgiving than I am.  Thank God.

  12. Yes.

  13. Yes, "He who repenteth last reap the most benefits."

  14. No, not really. It isn't that you called God a myth or anything like that. It's just that you have to be born again when God draws you to Jesus and gives you the gift of faith via his indwelling Holy Spirit.

    God isn't fooled by someone trying to take out "fire insurance" at the last minute. He knows what's in a person's heart.

    Isaiah 55:6  Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.  7  Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon.  

    8  "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD.  9  "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

  15. That wouldn't be what real repentance is. That is just giving lip service.

    That isn't what salvation is.  

  16. Yes--but you would have to be on your deathbed to have that chance, and not die quickly (like from a heart attack or something)

    But it won't work if you don't truly believe.

    And, as you can well imagine, it is very difficult to give up selfish ways for selfless ones.  I mean, imagine constantly being asked to give up your time to do something for someone else and not getting anything in return for it?

    For example, could you spend your free time everyday just praying and talking to God?  many people have about 100 other things to do, but if you truly believe in God, this is something that you would definitely spend your time doing.

    Changing your life isn't as easy as you think.  I've been a Catholic my whole life, and I only realized in the last 4 or 5 years that I need to convert--change to the way God wants me to be.

    It is difficult.  I'd think about starting now.

  17. Good luck with that.

    Your idea is not theologically safe.

  18. It's not really something you can plan, you have to mean it... which you might, death is scary and people like beliefs to help support them. You do realize he doesn't exist right?

  19. For sure.. God is easily dupable.. I mean.. seriously! Satan tricks him and his creations all the time and he cant do sh*t about it. I mean come on, God is so stupid he MADE satan.. what a k**b! Satan was like yus! I pwnz ur n00bz ...

    The point is yes you can because God is a moron. Its a lot easier of course if you left everything of yours to the nearest church in your will.. hehehehe

  20. I don't know.  Personally if I was talking nasty to God I'd be in fear of not having a deathbed.  He might see to it that I die suddenly without the chance.

  21. Why would you waste all the common sense you had for one moment? There is no heaven.

  22. That's the ticket, wolf boy.  As you may have noticed, there are quite a few True Christians round these parts that come out often to brag about how, instead of being sympathetic, respectful and caring of a supposedly loved one on their death bed, they instead whipped out the ole Buybull and hit them with it full steam ahead

  23. Sure thing.  Rape, murder, lie, steal.  It's all good.  As long as you repent in the end you're in!

  24. Nah, you will die an atheist.  You will also die knowing that you wasted words by saying such things.  Think about how many "how are you" or "that's nice" you could of said in replace of calling God a myth or things.

    Better to share some kindness than to antagonize someone with an opinion.

  25. no u can't because to repent u have to believe and obviously cuz u called god a myth and other stuff the u don't just believing on ur deathbed will not work

  26. No.  

  27. you can't commit a sin expecting to be forgiven, you have to want to be forgiven. like you can't rape a girl then if u get shot u don't say " i'm sorry God" in hope, saying i'm sorry God and mening it from your heart will save you, but repent everyday coz the end of time may come before you die and then ull be caught out my friend and probs go to h**l if u fon't belive christ is king and god raised him from the dead.

    erm no don't becuase u wudn't BE sorry. you only "hope" you will be sorry to get into heaven, and a few minutes dying won't make a difference. so NO

  28. If you are currently on your deathbed and you are sincerely repenting, no problem.  However, if you are planning on partying for a couple of decades and making peace just to save your rear end...I do not think so.  I think that God will be able to tell your sincerity.  

  29. Yeah man, you get a free pass.

    Just one little possible glitch: what if you wake up dead?

    All the best, wolf-man Jack!

  30. Question: "What does the Bible say about a death bed conversion?"

    Answer: The most high-profile death bed / last-minute conversion to Christ in the Bible is the case of the criminal crucified alongside Jesus (Luke 24:39-43). Only moments before his own death, this criminal had been an unbelieving mocker of Christ (see Matthew 27:44). However, at the last moment the criminal repented and acknowledged Jesus as the heavenly King. The Lord gave him the blessed promise, “Today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”

    Although the story of the criminal on the cross demonstrates that last-minute conversions are possible, the Bible warns us to repent now, without waiting another moment. John the Baptist warned, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2). Jesus had the identical message concerning the need for immediate repentance, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17).

    The Bible warns us concerning the brevity of the human lifespan. “You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away” (James 4:14). We are not instructed to consider converting someday, but to believe today! “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” (Hebrews 3:7-8, 14; 4:7). None of us knows how much time we have left in this life or what the circumstances of our death will be. We may die in a sudden, unexpected manner that will preclude a deathbed conversion. The only reasonable option is to repent and believe in Jesus Christ today.

    Many people die without having the experience of an extended amount of time on a death bed. Many people die instantly and unexpectedly, with no opportunity to trust in Christ. 2 Corinthians 6:2 declares, "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you. I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation."

  31. How bout stop being nasty, in this life, now.

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