
After cataract surgery, do you get headaches behind your eyes instead of in the?

by  |  earlier

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back of the neck or top of the head? I mean like pressing at the temples to stop the headache no longer works. ... And, in cold weather do your eyes hurt? And do you find that you have to end your day earlier because your eyes hurt?




  1. I had cataract surgery on both eyes about 8 years ago.  Now that you mention it, I do get headaches that seem to start behind my eyes and spreads out to the temples.  Cold air does hurt my eyes and I especially notice it if the wind is blowing.  To top it off, they didn't get the right rx. for the lenses and I still must wear glasses.  Find the only thing that helps is to close them for at least 15 minutes.

  2. I have never had any of those issues, and my cataracts were done 15 years ago.

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