
After choosing your spiritual path,what made you choose where you fellowship at?

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For example I chose to believe in the Christian way of life, bible,God etc... but I attended many fellowships,making a lot of friends, but have a hard time choosing one place. Because of gas prices etc, & children needing a solid structure & place to fellowship, what helped you choose where you are whether you're a baptist, luthern, LDS/Mormon ,Jehovahs Witness, catholic, non-denom, whereever you choose to serve God.




  1. the church where i have an acquaintance in the same faith.she basically got me started in the faith. but they treat people like dirt. they give you the distinct impression they don't want any new people. so, i chose to go the church down the street(nearly).its the same faith, but they were nice to me.

  2. I was rasied mormon, but had some problems with the theology, I believe mormonism led me to wiccan, and also atheist, and then I just fell into agonsotic, but in all these religions I was still depressed and wanted to die and I felt cursed and being chased by satan (and as an atheist I didn;t believe in him), funny thing though they say when you get saved, you will get more tempted, well I stopped almost getting killed, I stopped wanting to kill myself to.  

  3. I heard the Word of God on the radio , for 90 minutes every weeknight. Also I started reading the New Testament. other wise how else will you know where the truth is being taught ?. It took me 6 churches till I found one that uses The Bible as it foundation in preaching and teaching.

  4. When did 'fellowship' become a verb?

    ANSWER:  I didn't have much choice.  The nearest Reform Jewish synagogue is 50 miles away and the next is over 100 miles.  No options there.  So my community (I really don't think in terms of 'fellowship', I guess that must be a Christian thing) is not exactly what I might have chosen, but the great thing is that I have got to know people I'd never have known otherwise, and like them (almost) all very much.

  5. I discovered Catholicism three years ago after many long years of Protestant pointlessness.  I went through the RCIA program, which educates adults on the Catholic faith.  I learned the history of Christianity, the origins of the bible, and found the original Church founded by Jesus Christ.  It's why I'm Catholic.  I found and fell in love with Jesus like I never had before.

    God bless.

  6. I am wiccan, I feel no need to get together to worship. I love to sit in the woods and talk to the universe by myself, I feel it is more personnel that way.

  7. The fellowship of the ring

  8. For my growing time of life (although we never totally do) I went to church with family. but it never felt right nor did I believe in some of their man made rules-that supposedly were Biblically based..Being a kid and honoring my parents that is the way it was.. So once I was out of there house I started considering my options . I found a church home and also worked there and got training to be a commissioned church worker.This year of learning was the best in my life and was truly when God stared working full time in my life.(Seems we God and I had a dance going and He did an awesome job leading) Then God was calling me elsewhere..but not in the same capacity. So again I joined a church and God was there to help me grow more in faith to Him.One thing I have learned is that God does put you where you need to be at the time.I touched lives and lives touched me.

    So here today I have found the place for me to be through trial and God;s loving hand through all.

    The first thing you need to do is,of course,pray and ask God to guide you.You need to know first of all that what the church teaches is what is in your heart.Most if the time if it does not feel right it isn't, And you should not rely on others to tell you what church or denomination to chose because most people feel their church is The Only The Church and this is not the way to go

    The second thing is that you start attending worship at one church at a time.. It is like reading the Bible you need to read the whole chapter not just one verse.And you can't learn about a church on one Sunnday or judge it by the fellowship group, If you listen to God He will provide all the means you need to get there...gas whatever(I have had it happen) You can do a general search of churches on-line (No specific congregation-just to see what they believe) Since you say you believe in Christian way your heart will guide you, But I would visit one church for awhile because you can become attached to people and the main purpose is the Gospel being taught.Do not be fooled by some outward appearances such as talking in tongues. That is not a sign if they speak in gibberish.Find time when you can ask the Pastor questions.Even with Lutheran Churches you have 3 "branches" liberal (ELCA) middle (Missouri Synod) and very literal Bible undersranding and women have there place.Wisc. synod.

    You will need to find what your heart tells you,  Please know we will be praying for God;s guidence in your decision,LET HIM guide you and He will!!

  9. i'm never going to choose one specific religion...i'd rather just choose to believe in some of the things they teach and be a little part of every religion. there's good in every single religion, but there is also bad. by choosing only what i want to follow from christian, lutheran, budhist, ect, i hope that i will never fall into some of the bad things they teach. with this unique way of religion, my life has turned out great because i'm so open minded :))

    good luck to you in whatever path you follow, even if it's more than one

  10. Once I discovered what one needs to walk the Spiritual path with God - His Spirit within, evidenced by speaking in tongues (just like a baby cries when it is born), I just needed to stay with people that believe the same thing.

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