alright college grads... okay you have graduated from college (congrads)... What are you gonna do now? Im a teacher and I promote college to my students but, I am also a graduate student who is not making enough to live on my own(boomerang kid... and I hate it... love my parents hate living back at home with them)... When we as teachers promote college to high school seniors, we never give them too many options... meaning whats after college because chances are you will not be a teacher, doctor,engineer or lawyer right out of college.... theres only three options or choices after college I know about 1. go straight to grad school afterwards... this option is both good and bad because going to grad school "suppose" to better your chances of getting a better job... but thats what people say when youre going to undergraduate school.... right? bad thing about going straight to grad school after college is you dont have enough work experience... youre taking out more loans... or you taking alot of money from your trust fund... and after grad school you still may not have the job you truely want. Option 2 Go and Work... if you work and dont think about grad school... you will not have extra education to fall back on... and its a high chance you may have to move back into mommy and daddies home (50% of us did... and boy did we hate that) now, all your money go to parents for food and rent... and if youre not paying rent (lets just hope youre given your parents something) and if you dont have a masters in some occupations... chances are you will not be promoted to another job. Option 3. take chances and move away and try to make it on your own the best way you can?
After college what option did you take? what did you do and are you happy with your decision?