
After cutting a stair stringer for a deck is it ok to trace the first one for the rest?

by  |  earlier

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The first stringer is very accurate, so i figured tracing and cutting the other two stringers would work great. Is this a good idea or is there a reason not to do so?




  1. I would do it.  Remember that your cuts should just barely remove the pencil marks, so that the next two are truly the same size as the first.  Naturally, perfection is not required here, it's not cabinet making.

    Before you continue, did you make sure that the riser amounts are even from top to bottom, including the last step up onto the deck?  I made the mistake once of having the last step up being somewhat shorter than the rest, and it has annoyed me for the last four years.

  2. Yes, thats what I do when building steps!!!! that way you have a pattern to follow!

  3. Yes agree with the other posts, and if your saw can handle it clamp both stringers together and cut them both at the same time. Thus you will have two identical ones.


  4. Yes you can trace your first cut, but make sure too cut inside the line as your pattern will grow with each tracing,but with stringers its not critical but before you cut the others  make sure the pattern fits and the height of each riser is correct and the depth of each tread is proper and mark top and bottom on your cuts so you don't have a problem! And be sure too crown your stringers check for bows and straightness!If you have bows they should be up!

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