
After dental implant surgery (phase 1) what time-frame is it ok to use your flipper?

by Guest57713  |  earlier

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I have the surgery next week, the dentist says I can immediately put it in. But if I use my flipper immediately, wouldn't it affect the healing process? Some websites say 1-2 weeks. Also he didn't prescribe Periodex, he said to use salt-water instead. Is it best to use chlorhexidine? I don't want to risk an infection.




  1. When you say "dental implant surgery" are you talking about the dentist placing the titanium s***w in the bone and attaching a healing cap?

    If so you can use the flipper imediately, there will be minimal trauma to the gum area.

    As far as periodex goes for the above procedure it's not needed. If you were having a bone graft or gum surgery then yes, periodex should be used.

    In your case salt water should be fine.

    Placing the s***w is not a big deal, you will be amazed how fast and painless it is.  

  2. A lot of this will depend on the initial stability after placement of the implant - so the surgeon will usually make that call after surgery.  One thing is certain, wearing a flipper will always add another risk factor to the healing.  Now this risk factor may either bear little to no clinical significance, or it can downright jeopardize the survival of the implant.  Again, the surgeon will have to make this call right after the surgery.  If it is ok to wear a flipper, I would definately recommend to not eat with it the first few weeks.  You do not want to put undue pressures onto the implant during this initial stage of integration.

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