
After eating rotten beef (or any food), how long until the sickness appears?

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How long until you start actually feeling sick?




  1. I am taking a course in college regarding this exact subject.

    It can actually take 48 hours for someone to feel the effects of food poisoning- vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, fever, etc.

    It has all of the symptoms of the flu- and can take 2 full days before feeling sick-  which is why a lot of people actually have food poisoning but think they have the flu because they think it has been too long since they ate something that is possibly bad.

  2. 12 hours.

    Get thee to the doctor's, or...if it's not too bad get some immodium (sp)

  3. You should die any moment now.

  4. I am a former chef and alot of the previous answers have merit, alot depends on how tainted the food was and what type of food, meat, cheese or other foods, your resistance to the toxins and how much you ingested.

    If you have seen the news here in Canada we have had a meat product issue called listeriosis, and the incubation period for it is 11-70 days, with most common food illnesses it will affect you either 3-48 hours after you eat the product, and it will be a combination of things, nausea, diarreia, headache, body aches, cramps and severe fever, then t gets nasty, and funny enough it is hard to rpove food poisoning unless you collect samples and have them analyzed.

  5. It depends

    1. on how much you ate                    A little?   A lot?

    2. how strong your resistance is.        Great?    Weak?

    So if you ate a liitle and your resistance is great it may take 6 - 8 hours.

    On the other hand if your resistance is weak and you ate a lot you will most probably be ill in 1/2 an hour's time.

  6. Usually anywhere from 2 to 72 hours depending on which of the sickness you have contracted from the beef. There are a variety of them. Even if you did eat the bad beef, it doesn't mean you will feel anything from it. If the beef wasn't badly contaminated your body may fight it off before it is even noticeable. Good Luck!!!!

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