
After ending a 7 day cruise I can't seem to stop the feeling of rocking as if I'm still at sea. Help ideas?

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While on the cruise we hit hurricane winds and I (an advanced yogi) took advantage to practice balance work probably a mistake, but now on land my world is very q***r with everything bouncing and rocking, light changes worsen it. Feel fine while running long distances, but yoga a real challenge. Worried I might go crazy if this doesn't stop. Ideas? Thank you!




  1. I would go to the doctor if it has been more than a few days.

  2. I take off 3 months ago from a Cruise went to a ear specialist and told me that I develop ear equilibrium problem, this should be going by itself. This is call Mal of Desembarment (sorry my english) Recommend me some exercise for the head and Yoga, and is workin, very slowly the progress bur Im feeling more stable. Please go visit your doctor and be sure.

  3. How long ago did you get off the ship?  It's normal to "rock" for a few days to a week or so after disembarking.  Take some OTC motion sickness meds and you'll be back to normal soon.

  4. it goes away i have been on two cruises and after both of them i felt like i was still on board for awhile.  don't worry it will go away shortly

  5. normal if you arent use to sea travel.

    eventually in time you get used to it..

  6. Since you're not getting your land legs back, I'm almost inclined to think you've picked up some sort of infection (viral or bacterial) that is affecting the inner ear.  Cruise ships are alot like children's day care centers....they are frequently hot beds of bacteria with lots of opportunity for shared illness.  Throw into the mix that you could have passengers from virtually anywhere in the world that could be carrying virtually anything, and it becomes alot more interesting.

    I don't think what you have is serious, but it may take some antibiotics or the intervention of a doctor to make it go away.

    Another reason to recommend a doctor is this could involve your eyes (you mention the light changes), and not just the inner ear.  At any rate, you shouldn't have to go crazy or put up with those unpleasant feelings one day longer.

    Sidenote:  I still recommend the doctor, but in the meantime you might consider using an over-the-counter product called Bonine.  This is a motion sickness medicine that is far more effective than Dramamine because it has a different action.  Bonine is the OTC version of a prescription medicine that directly affects the inner ear.  I've never found anything more effective at eliminating dizziness or the nausea which can accompany that.

    If this doesn't help alleviate the symptoms, then it may help you and your doctor narrow down the location of the problem.

    Good luck to you!

  7. I had that happen on the cruise  to the Panama Canal.  i went to the doctor and got some meds called Antivert.  Evidently the inner ear accommodated the rocking of the ship and kept accommodating after I got off.  the Anitvert slows the movement  inside the inner ear.

    (In fact I had more trouble after the cruise with sea sickness thatn during.LOL)

  8. It goes away in time, don't fret. Have had "sea legs" after every long cruise and within 3-4 days, it goes away once your body gets back to the normal "non-moving" surroundings. Let your body catch up with your mind. It'll get back to normal soon. Very common.

  9. You may want to take a cold pill.  I am a cruise specialist and tell people to take a cold pill while on the ship to stop the rocking.  Some time there is a little fluid in the ear and that will cause you to feel off balance.  Good luck and congratulations on having your sea legs.

  10. Its called getting your land legs back and I know what its like. Very frustrating to walk like a drunk.  I went to my doctor and he gave me something to help get my balance back. Either way it should be gone in a week or less.

  11. How long ago was this?  Usually this can stay with you for a few days after, but if its more than a week being that you were ona  one week cruise then seek some help!  Usually all you have to do is rock yourself out of it.  Go carts, rollercoaster, something jolty should do the trick.  but dont think of it, it could also be your mind playing tricks on you.  Also, eat some salty foods and not too much liquid intake for a while so this way your stomach doesnt feel queezy by your minds little games.

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