
After get very little to no sleep at night b/c things keep coming up, how do you look alive in the morning?

by Guest60738  |  earlier

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often, when i dont get 3 or more hours of sleep, there are huge bags under my eyes, so when i smile they become very obvious, how do i deal with this ? I dont want to look like a zombie and i hate the big bags ( it isnt particularly attractive) Any remedies besides getting sleep the night before? Any way to cover it up ? Secret techniques anyone ? :)

Best Regards :)




  1. Try taking non drowsy allergy medicine when you go to sleep. Sometimes your eyes are swollen because of an allergy to dust mites. Try buying a new pillow also.  I know it helped me. Also when you wake up put a cold compress on your eyes for 15 minutes. You can soak cotton balls in milk or just put a wet wash cloth in the fridge the night before. I have also tried preparation H on my eyes to help with the swelling but it didn't help for me.

  2. a simple solution of optrex in an eye bath, swished over each eye really does wake you up and shrink down puffiness , I wake with quite a lot of puffiness and its cheap enough to try anyway.

    Also I heard that pile creams such as preparation H smeared under puffy eyes careful to avoid eyes themselves, has  the ability to reduce swelling ! so dont feel embarrassed to buy some!

    Good luck

  3. try to cover it up with makeup, unless u r a man, if that, then just get more sleep, If THAT is a problem and you have to like get up early, go to bed sooner, sorry that's all i got i am only 11.

  4. u can use ice water and some rose water to wash ur eyes.

  5. have a nice relaxing shower in the morning :)

    and when putting on your makeup and outfit try wear something really wild and make your hair amazingly wild and it will draw people from looking at your eyes lol :):):):)

    if not try put your makeup on pulling your eyes out E.g eye liner and eye shadow move it from the inside then towards your temples and widen your eyes

    :):) xxxxx

  6. Ok I know this sounds too simple but it works. I have 3 daughters 11 9 and 2 and my husband is deployed. Sleep is hard to get here.  After a nice morning shower, take some ice  and put it in the sink and fill with cold water. Stick your whole face down in that ice cold water a few times. It refreshes the face, closes the pores and shrinks any bags under the eyes, not to mention it wakes you up. Follow all that with some orange juice and maybe do exersices before you get dressed..  

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