
After getting 11 out of 12 wrong answers the last time I asked: Is al quaeda an organisation, or a database?

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compiled, largely by the CIA, of unconnected, perceived troublemakers.




  1. Seems a bit daft to ask a question when you appear to know the answer already.  


  3. if you can't beat them join them.

  4. does a database go out and kill people? Maybe the CIA considers them a database but their victims would say they are an organization.

  5. Don't p**s about Hoggy boy, Just tell us the fcuking answer.

    You know you want to...

  6. If you knew 11 people got the wrong answer how do you know that the 11 had the right answer you have the wrong one? The only ones that would know for sure what you make out are CIA and they are not going to admit it is a database  

  7. It is an organization, ultimately created and controlled by the CIA. However, it gets confusing, because these days there are plenty of occurences of the US MSM just picking an individual or an event and saying "That was Al-qaeda!!!" Perfect example... 2001 anthrax... or hey, Iraq! It always later comes out not to have anything to do with "AQ" but the news is always pretty quiet about THAT! It's always so much more interesting when they think its AQ, but when it turns out to be from within our own government, the press is eerily silent, aren't they?

    To further complicate matters, even AQ is confused. The lower level people (the kind of brainwashed grunts that might actually tell you "Hey! I'm in al-qaeda!" or strap a bomb to themselves) have NO IDEA that the people who recruited and trained them are working with, or at least indirectly for, the CIA.

    Look, intelligence agencies (incl. our precious CIA) have repeatedly enlisted the unwitting help of organized crime in recent history. It should not seem outrageous to anyone who knows this fact that these agencies might take advantage of fundamentalist groups in the same manner. We have entered a new age, after all. 9/11 changed everything, didn't it?

    The motivations for national intelligence agencies to go through proxies and use others to carry out their dirty work should be obvious.

    Al-Qaeda was created in the late 70's by the CIA, Zbigniew Brzezinski and others for the purpose of architecting the Soviet/Afghan War which ultimately helped to bring down the USSR.

    However, my understanding is that the term "al qaeda" originated in some loose translation of "the database" and refers to the original list of operatives and CIA-controlled Mujahideen and other Sunni militants, (many of whom did not even know that they were ultimately working for the CIA.)

    How 'bout it, CIA, am I close?

    Come on kids, do some reading. It doesn't take a genius to start to connect the dots.

  8. It is an orginisation

    One created by the CIA - look into it they aren't hiding that fact

    They created it for one purpose - to fight Russian interests in Afghanistan and at that time Bin Laden was a CIA asset

    Short term memory loss seems rampant these days - The CIA and other government agencies told all of us all of this

    That is why Bin Laden was supposed to be so dangerous - He was US trained

    So what of Alquiada - that never operated inside Iraq until after the US invasion

    So what about Afghanistan - whose heroin crops have quadrupled since Canadian Dutch US and British forces have been there killing the taliban  ....?

    Now take a look at the concept of a "status crime" which now exists in the US .... If the government says you are a terrorist - then you are

    No trial no charges no anything - it is a status crime

    OK , so does this CIA orginisation that "got away" from their US master also happen to be a data base ?

    Of course it is - Who would have a better data base on them than their founder/creator and former master ?

    If someone was found to be a trouble maker - then perhaps they could be added - which would immediately justify the status crime

    Or perhaps the status crime comes first and then data base - At this point in time it has become a chicken and the egg problem

    But then our government is only out to protect us so there is no need to worry ---- Right ? Because only a terrorist would say otherwise

    So once again - Right ?


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