
After getting a wisdom tooth pulled should u still feel pain?

by  |  earlier

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i got a wisdom tooth pulled about 5 1'2 hours ago and the numbness stopped about 3 or 3'12 hours ago. and when i touch the gum around where they extracted it at it hurts pretty bad. but ever sence the numbness went away it slowly started hurting agian. and now it kinda feels like it did before they took it out. i took a vicodin about 2 hours ago and it helped for a little while but not much. could there be an infection in my gum where they pulled it. or could it just be because getting a wisdom tooth pulled hurts more then any other tooth u get pulled.?. i never had a wisdom tooth pulled so i would kno. but a month ago i had a tooth pulled and it wasent a wosdom tooth and after they pulled it i never felt pain from that spot agian. but this is totally diff.. it feels like they never pulled it but it goes off and on. it will throbb and hurt then for a minute or 2 it will not be as bad and then it will throbb agian.. does anyone kno what this could possibly be? maybe its just how wisdom teeth are after they get pulled or could there be an infection? because the tooth was sitting in sideways but it wasent under my gum. maybe a little but 3'4's of it was sitting sideways facing my jaw. and the dentist just pushed it to loosin it and it feel right out in his hand.. can someone that might kno or has expericenced this before comment.. i would appreciate it.. thanks




  1. you should have been given some post op instructions.  try to stay a head of the pain alternate the vicodin with motrin .   cold compresses are good 15 min on  15mins off.  try not to touch the extraction sites with your fingers... you want the area to form a clot you may have lost the clot and this could be exposing the bone.  your doc should have given you a # to call if you have any problems

  2. yeah your mouth is still going to hurt a whole lot for about a day then it will slowly start going away little by little. Just keep taking your pain killers like your suppose to and everything will be ok.

  3. yeah i got mine pulled monday and i'm still pretty sore.

    you have to give it time.


  4. I had my wisdom teeth out a few years ago and I was in a lot of pain afterwards. The tooth may have come out easily, but because you were numb, you may not have felt if the dentist had to tug a little harder or had any difficulties. Typically, wisdom teeth have longer roots so they do hurt more after extraction.

    That being said, the pain really decreased after around 2 days. I would keep taking the vicodin as prescribed, and be sure not to smoke (if you are a smoker) and to avoid hot/cold near the extraction site. I wouldn't worry about infection unless the pain persists for days or you develop a fever. Feel better soon!

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