
After getting my wisdom teeth out, what can I do at this point to reduce the swelling in my cheek?

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It is about 6 days after my surgery from getting all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. I only have 1 of the pain killers left that my doctor prescribed to me, but I don't really need it, I can take 4-6 Advils in place of it. The left side of my mouth is completely fine, however the right side of my mouth is still swollen, it is slowly losing the puffiness of it, but is there anything I can do to speed up the process? I only have 2 more days off of work for my wisdom teeth, so I don't want to go back feeling sore. I am already applying ice packs to my right cheek to hope that the swelling goes down & I brush my teeth right after I eat a meal. Is there anything else I can do to make the swelling in my right cheek go down faster?




  1. I was only swollen for like 3 days when I got mine out. Maybe you need to go get a checkup to make sure everything's ok. Other than that, I don't know if there's really anything you can do to make the swelling go away.

  2. No, the icing is really the best thing. The ibuprofen helps with inflammation, other than that try not to aggravate that area, chewing food, hitting it with the toothbrush. If you sleep on that side of your face that could be adding to the swelling too.

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