
After getting wet, my phones screen is working, but it's not taking the battery. Any suggestions?

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I didn't drop my cell in the river, but it was in my pocket when I went in. After letting it dry a little bit, whenever I would put the battery in, the phone would vibrate endlessly. So I let it dry some more. Now, the screens are working and everything, but when I put the battery in, I tells me to use a genuine battery, then shuts off. My phone's an LG, by the way. I have Denatured Alcohol, but I don't know how well that would help. Any suggestions?




  1. your best best it to put it over an AC vent. that what i did after mine fell in the bath tub. it will work as long as you let it dry out.

  2. Don't put it over the ac vent, don't hair dry it either. I work on cell phones all the time whether they were in someones pocket while swimming in a  pool or river or dropping it in there drink. You need to take the battery out of the phone and allow the phone to sit where it can dry where no other type of moisture can get to it. But don't let it sit in direct sunlight. If you want it to still work, you have to wipe it off and get as much water off of the phone and battery as you can and allow it to dry on its on for a couple of days. If not you will fry your phone and battery

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