
After giving back hongkong to the chinese; is the UK somehow thinking of giving back N. Ireland to the Irish?

by  |  earlier

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oh, ok... so i guess that's a no..




  1. Just like the USA is going to give the land back to the North American Indians eh?

    What a stupid ignorant question!

    OK, just to explain (because you obviously don't have a clue what you're talking about): Hong Kong was leased so was due to be returned when the lease expired.

    Northern Ireland is currently going through a peace process in order to find a settlement which both sides of the community - Catholic and Protestant - can live with.  A return to violence is not in anyone's interest.

    Besides which, the Government of Republic of Ireland don't really want the North - the Sectarian Divides just make it too expensive and troublesome.

    Pleas go and get some education before you post nonsensical, naive questions on this website.

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