
After giving birth how long did it take for you to get settled with your newborn?

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I wanted to know how long it took for you to get into a schedule with your newborn and get settled after coming home with your new bundle of joy. Thanks a lot.




  1. when your in the hospital, the nurses should have already started a pattern, like for you feed your baby every three hours or so. Just keep it like that,don't try to change it. Then, when you arrive home just work your schedule around it. It's super duper tuff the very first nite. Even if your baby doesn't drink all the milk, don't stress about, your baby just doesn't want anymore.But if your baby wakes up before her next feeding just be prepared to feed her, and good luck.

  2. With my 1st child it took a couple of weeks to get into a good routine. With the second it took about a month... because I had to learn how to take care of 2 kids and a hubby that is worse then a kid most of the time lol.

  3. A few days and we were pretty good with a schedule, at 7 weeks my daughter started to sleep 10hrs at night, and because of that, it made everything way more better.

  4. well I gave birth in a birthing center w/ two midwives, they allowed us to go home the day I had him, and my sweetie had to go back to work the next day also.  I was nervous of course, but I just felt it out and after a few days i had an idea of when he would need a nap, to eat, to be changed etc.... I stay home with my children, I don't know if you are able to do that also... but I really don't have much of a schedule other than nap time, when they eat and bed time, other than that ... my kids & my man are my schedule :)  sorry if i wasn't much help.....

  5. For me?:

    I took my kids right away. Everything came naturally. For the most part. The thing that drove me crazy was the crying. I think its like our weakness, seriously, lol.

    It took about 3mths to really get past all the crazyness, for everything to kind of settle.

    About 9mths to actually communicate WITH my daughter, and a little over a year to communicate with my son.

    Everyone is different, including newly borns.

    Don't take what everyone will tell you as a law, or written in stone. They are all guidelines. You and your baby will learn each other, and learn to work with one another. Its beautiful, hard, trying, and AWESOME! :)

    Congrats(?). God bless. Take care.

  6. With my first son a couple of days, with my second son about 2 wks because i already had one little one at home so i had to balance 2.  This time around with this being my third i am hoping that i will have the hang of things already so it won't take long at all lol wishful thinking maybe.

  7. a couple days .....haha

  8. for me it took 2 weeks because I knew NOTHING going into parenthood. As for a schedule I would have one down and then something would knock us off. Its hard having the perfect schedule. But I try my best to stick to one because its easier on the baby and the mommy.

  9. I never got a set schedule from her. If she had one, the memo never reached me. She had her own mind and I think she did it on purpose but she picked the most inconvenient times to do stuff like p**p(she would usaully do it just before I went to theoffice after I got dressed). But I still love that little insane kid.

  10. soon has i saw my baby girl i was settled, but most people a couple of weeks

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