
After going Vegetarian, did you experience a difference in weight?

by  |  earlier

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Did you gain weight?

lose weght?

stay the same?

or does it fluctuate?

o and if it did change, did it go back to normal after a while?




  1. ive been a vegeterian for 4 months know && i have lost some weight but i guess it depends on the person

  2. I've stayed the same.  It's not what you eat, it's how many calories you consume.  There are plenty of calorie dense vegan foods like nuts, avocados, nut butters, breads and soy products.

    There's also vegan beer...

  3. Iv'e been a vegetairian since i was 8 and what i can remeber is that when i started to become vegetairian I lost alot of wieght! about half a stone , cos my body wasnt used to not eating enough meat, but then i put a little bit back o cos i'd gone underwiehgt and my mum wqas worried but it tok me about a month to get my wieght stable again

  4. Permanently lost 5 kilos. Which is about 8 or 9 pounds i think. Then i stoped eating junk food and permanently lost a further 3 kilos (5-6 pounds?). I stopped having headaches, tension in my stomach, stomachaches, never had bad skin but it cleared up even more and less cellulite *does little jig*

    So vegetarianism has been a very positive experience for me =]

  5. I've been underweight so it's pretty hard for me to lose anymore weight. I did not gain weight because of the change in my diet though.

  6. I don't think it changed too much. But while I made the transition from vegitarian to vegan I lost 7 pounds though.

  7. Well I went vegetarian, and then two weeks later, I went vegan. A couple months after being vegan, I had lost a little over 10 pounds, and my weight has stayed the same since then

  8. over time I've lost weight and still losing..

  9. in total I lost 45 pounds over 2 years and it has stayed the same for about 6 or 7 years now... never gained the weight back....

  10. well im a vegitairn and so far i think i havent gained or lost any wieght to loss weight just excrise and eat right.i still need to cut back at the junk food. so just stay healthy.

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