
After having major surgery it it normal to feel very depressed?

by Guest63812  |  earlier

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I just got home after a 5 day hospital stay and all I feel like doing is sleeping and crying.




  1. Yes that is normal.  Because of the medication & the pain.  Any way. You need to allow yourself time to recooperate.

    God loves you, & take this time to meditate on Gods Word.

    Use this as an oportunity to get connected with God, giving God all of you.  Your feelings, your hurts, your tears...

    Jesus said, "Come to the waters, stand my my side.  I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied. I have seen every tear drop, when in darkness you cried. And I strove to remind you, that for those tears I died."

    Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.

  2. YES! It is quite normal. The stress and fear of the surgery, being in the hospital, and all the meds can combine to make you feel terribly sad. You have been through a lot. Take care of yourself. If this does not go away, have a talk with your doctor, OK?

    Feel better soon!

  3. ahh poor you. Yeah it is usual to feel low after this stress and pain. People who have been sufering with pain for a long time can feel depressed. Try and do something managable which you enjoy, ask a friend to come round and play cards or something. You can't let yourself wallow in sadness, it will only keep you feeling like this. Concentrate your mind on the positive parts of your life.

    I hope you feel better soon. x*x : )

  4. Yes, when the meds wear off, many times they will cause you to be depressed....just drink lots of water, and get all of the stuff out of your system, the stuff they use to knock you out, the Anesthesia, is the worst one to make you feel depressed...before you know it, you will be back in good shape and this will all be long behind you xx. prayers for you and a quick recovery. xx

  5. Yes its normal to feel depressed after major surgery.The surgeries you went through last week will cause a lot of hormones to go nuts.When I went through all the females surgeries,like you I got very depressed that I wasn't a whole person or a  women anymore.I knew deep down I had to have the surgery.But I was afraid that I'd loose my "woman hood".I knew intellectually I had to have it done,yet I felt saddened beyond my own belief.It took me awhile to get "over"it.I went through a part hysterectomy at 34yrs.I was severely depressed even though I really needed the surgery due to constant,sever female problems.I had the rest taken out in Dec.08 due to a cyst the size of a grapefruit strangling my only ovary.I don't think I could of made it without my man standing by my side during the whole thing!!!I know there is a perminate difference in my body now,but my man don't care.: )

    I also talked to my psychiatrist before and after my last surgery knowing how depressed I got before.He upped my meds a little for a short time to aid me(it did too)in my slump.

    I hope you start feeling better again soon.

    Keep in touch : )

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